


Once you become a parent you’ll probably find that you have a lot less time for yourself let alone exercise than you did before your child. But you have goals such as weight loss or getting back into fitness but the idea of putting on active wear is a little overwhelming.

Here are some tips to get you back into a fitness regime after a baby:

  • Start small – even if you allocate 20 minutes of your day to exercise you will initially see changes, by starting like this 2-3 times a week it wouldn’t be as daunting
  • Choose your workout – cardiovascular, strength training, flexibility
  • If you have diastasis (abdominal separation) check in with a physio to get an all clear before starting an exercise routine
  • Once you found yourself cruising through the 2-3 times a week for 20 minutes why not increase the time spent on exercise by 5 minutes each session and then start to increase the amount of days.
  • Relaxin the hormone stays in the body after pregnancy for up to 6months (hormone that is responsible for the softening of ligaments and joints during pregnancy) be mindful of exercises that you are not comfortable with.
  • Keep it fresh – by changing your routine once in a while, such as trying out yoga, joining a walking group, doing a group class.


If you need a exercise program catered to your needs seek an Exercise Physiologist, we can be found through here:


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