Melanie McGrice

Melanie McGrice

You already know that breakfast is super important but did you know that it’s the meal most likely to be skipped? When you’re pregnant, it is even more important that you are starting your day off with a filling breakfast to make sure your bub is getting all the nutrition he or she needs. Let me take half the work off your hands by giving you some healthy breakfast ideas that are quick, easy and delicious.

Gestational diabetes

  • ½ cup of oats topped with full cream milk and a handful of chopped strawberries
  • 1 slice of wholemeal toast, topped with an egg, a few sliced mushrooms and small handful of chickpeas
  • 2 wholegrain English muffins topped with slices of avocado, diced tomato and a sprinkle of shredded cheddar cheese


  • 2 slices of fruit toast with cottage cheese spread on top
  • ½ cup of oats topped with a few spoonfuls of yoghurt, some sultanas and a tablespoon of flaxseeds
  • 2 Weetbix with skim milk and a handful of blueberries


  • Banana smoothie made from milk, Greek yoghurt, banana and oats (find the full recipe here at 5:43 mins)
  • An omelette made from two egg whites, topped with spinach and a sprinkle of low-fat shredded cheddar cheese
  • Plain porridge cooked with skim milk, topped with sliced banana and a sprinkle of cinnamon

Morning sickness

  • 2 slices of wholemeal toast (or as much as you can stomach), spread with vegemite
  • Berry smoothie made from milk (1/2 cup), Greek yoghurt (1/2 cup), strawberries and blueberries (1/2 cup total) and ginger (1/2 teaspoon)
  • 2 slices of wholemeal toast, spread with half a smashed avocado and a squeeze of lemon juice on top


Tomorrow morning, pick a brekkie suggestion that relates to the issue specific to you or choose one at random. In my YouTube video, I talk you through why these breakfasts help to beat your pregnancy side-effects, which might help you to come up with a few ideas of your own!


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