


If you’re the parent of a child with a disability or diagnosis, the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) may play a big role in your life. Whether you are already in the scheme, preparing to transition or you’ve only just received a diagnosis for your child, it’s important to be NDIS ready.


How do you get NDIS ready?

Understand NDIS eligibility

If you are not yet in the scheme, it’s important to understand whether your child fits the eligibility criteria. These criteria include your location (if you’re in an area where the NDIS has already been rolled out); your child’s age (the NDIS is delivered differently based on whether your child is over or under 7 years of age); your residency status; and your child’s disability. Note that eligibility can be subject to review, even if you are accepted into the scheme.


Get your documentation in order

You’ll need reports for your child from their service providers – any therapist or specialist who manages your child’s needs (e.g. paediatricians, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, psychologists,etc.) These reports should help the NDIS determine your child’s eligibility for the scheme, the supports they are entitled to access and demonstrate how funded supports will be used to meet the goals of their NDIS plan.


Set goals

Before meeting with the NDIS, it’s vital you know the goals you have in seeking NDIS support. Goals can be short, medium and long term and might include catching public transport to school, participating in the community or showering independently. Linking supports to a specific goal will make it easier for the NDIS to see how the goal will be met by this support and increase the chance of the support being approved.

The NDIS can seem daunting to access and navigate. However, making the effort to be NDIS ready from the start will help you access the funding and supports your child needs to thrive.


Kirsty Russell is a positive special needs parent, dedicated to helping fellow parents find positivity and empowerment, even in the most difficult of moments. Parenting two kids with additional needs, she knows life is not easy and that some days are overwhelming, but she’s doing what she can to find the positives and help other parents do the same.

Positive Special Needs Parenting is a dedicated website for special needs parents and disability service providers. Kirsty’s goal is to improve understanding between parents, providers and educators, to achieve better outcomes for their kids. Services provided by Positive Special Needs Parenting include training and consulting services to providers and schools; resources and support to parents; and information and awareness to the wider community.

Wife to one man, fur mum to two pugs, parent to three entertaining children and carer to too many to count, Kirsty is always busy, always worrying, always juggling and always wondering what she’s forgotten now…


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