

When girls are born, they have about two million eggs in their ovaries, nestled in fluid-filled cavities called follicles. The number of eggs diminish with age, the reason being is that women are born with all the eggs they will carry in their lifetime and won’t create anymore.

In recent years statistics have shown Australian women are now choosing to have children later on in life. The median age of females giving birth today it is 30.7 compared to the age of 25 four decades ago. The age group with the highest fertility rate (births per female) are those 30 to 34.

No two journeys to parenthood are the same, everyone is ready to start a family at different times in their lives for different reasons. The only problem with this is that the longer you leave it, the harder it can become for your body to conceive.

Every path to fertility is different, no two journeys are the same. The one thing that does remain consistent is that no matter what your age is, the healthier your body is, the better your chances are of conceiving.

Kiddipedia’s Mission is to help build a bigger, better Australia. In doing so, we want to continue supporting womens health, wellness. To enable this, we have partnered with Kyra Howearth, a qualified herbalist with a special interest in women’s and children’s health and natural treatments.


What are the most beneficial natural conception techniques, and how can they help increase natural fertility?

I think the most beneficial technique when trying to have a baby is preconception care – for both the man and woman. It’s vital to look after the eggs and sperm during their final stages of development (around 100 days for eggs and 75 days for sperm). During this time, it’s highly recommended to eat a clean, whole-foods diet, avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, reduce stress, get adequate sleep, and generally ensure your health is in top condition. If the eggs & sperm are healthy, the chances are increased of conception and a successful pregnancy.


Fertility herbs, what are they and how can they help?

Many herbs can help with improving fertility in different ways – some herbs are female reproductive tonics, some herbs correct hormonal imbalances, whilst other herbs work with different areas of the body to address other factors that may be inhibiting fertility. For example, a woman might not conceive if she isn’t sleeping well or she has a lot of chronic stress, so herbs can help with these issues and improve fertility indirectly. It’s all very individual for each woman, there’s no “one size fits all” fertility herb.


What are the benefits in preparing your body pre-conception?

There’s so many benefits! During preconception care, you and your partner will often feel the healthiest you’ve ever been! This is giving your baby the best start to life. It’s also likely these healthy habits will stick so the whole family will benefit, especially in the long run. Also, preconception care can increase fertility, the chances of conceiving, and then delivering a healthy baby


Does this provide better chances for a more trouble-free pregnancy and birth and a healthier baby?

Generally, yes. No one can make any promises, and this doesn’t take into account an individual’s pre-existing health conditions. But generally, preconception care can help prevent miscarriages, reduce difficulties during pregnancy, and can increase the health of both the mother and baby.


Can stress and anxiety affect fertility?

Unfortunately, stress and anxiety can make it harder to conceive. When the body is chronically stressed (either physically or mentally), this can interfere with hormones and may prevent ovulation. If you don’t ovulate, you can’t fall pregnant. Many of the women experiencing infertility I see in my clinic are dealing with a lot of stress too, so I work with lifestyle (things like meditation and yoga) as well as herbs to promote the best outcomes for these women.


Can caffeine affect your chances of falling pregnant?

Caffeine has been linked to difficulties conceiving in women, so it’s best that women stop drinking coffee, tea and cola when they are trying to conceive. Try some delicious herbal teas instead of your morning brew! A study has also shown that caffeine can damage DNA in sperm, so it’s best that your partner quits caffeine too.

We all live busy lives, it’s common mums don’t make themselves a priority. What are the most common ailments women suffer from and what’s the best way to prevent them?

I am so guilty of this myself – I have four children, and it can be hard to find time for myself! But I make it a priority. When mums don’t find time for themselves, it can lead to emotional breakdowns, depression, and mental health issues. This is why I love helping other mums who feel so stressed from parenting, because I don’t want them to end up in a deep dark hole feeling like there’s no way out. There’s always a light at the end of the tunnel, and I help other mums find that light.

What type of articles should the Kiddi-Community expect from you?

I love providing health advice to women trying to conceive and expectant & new mums, so expect plenty more information around fertility and motherhood.


If I was a genie and could grant you three wishes, what would they be?

Oh, this is a tricky one! I’d have to say:

  1. Please end this drought and send us lots of rain!
  2. End world hunger.
  3. And eradicate all infectious diseases.