Jane Kilkenny

Jane Kilkenny

Life is full of challenges right now.  We are still living in a state of uncertainty which is creating significant issues for parents and children, both physically and mentally.

Maintaining a happy and healthy family environment is difficult at the moment. However there are a few fundamental principles that will help maintain positivity and minimize stress for everyone.

  1. Maintain healthy activity and exercise. Working from home and home schooling combine to reduce activity levels for the whole family. Making sure you take the time to get plenty of exercise each day will not only support your physical health but also enhance your mental health.
  2. Maintain healthy eating habits. Nutrition is a key component of health and very important for children.  Establishing healthy eating habits in the early years is crucial.  Avoid the temptation to have too many treats during lockdowns as it can cause mood and behavioural issues.
  3. During lockdowns it is also a great idea to have a weekly family treat night. Maybe try a movie night, games night or a family dance party.  This is the time to get the treats and have some fun.  When you make it a once a week event the kids will look forward to it and enjoy the special treat food options.
  4. Encourage patience as everyone will experience frustration and fatigue. Repeat lockdowns are equally difficult for adults and children.  When parents are frustrated it is very easy to lose patience.  Kids also feel frustration and can negatively impact their behaviour.  So it is crucial to maintain patience and look for a healthy outlet, such as outdoor play.
  5. Spend time outdoors. Getting outside is one of the best options for the whole family. Whether it’s for exercise or relaxation, time in the fresh air provides both physical and mental health benefits.  It’s also a good idea to get outdoors to escape technology.

The most important thing to remember is to priortise the health of yourself and your family members.  Try to maintain a calm and supportive environment for everyone.  External pressures are inevitable but we can control the way to react to them.  As parents know, the way we react to stress will impact our children.  Ongoing lockdowns are having a negative impact on us all but we can promote harmony and balance within our family and this is the best way to protect our children.