We all know this feeling of being tired, to the point of feeling so exhausted that all you want is to curl up in bed …forever. Unfortunately, for most of us this is not an option. Having to be at… Continue Reading >
In my experience, sleep makes or breaks the first year and beyond of your parenting journey. It is the number one question that you get asked, Martha down the street is asking you if they’re sleeping through at 6 weeks… Continue Reading >
One of the most complaints we hear from people in our psychology practice is difficulty sleeping. It may be difficulty getting to sleep, difficulty staying asleep, waking up too early, or simply feeling fatigued. Well I wanted to share with… Continue Reading >
What are some signs that your child or adolescent isn’t getting enough sleep, perhaps through overusing technology? ● Depressed mood,(5) irritability during offline social interactions ● Hyperactivity at school (6) ● Reluctance/arguing about getting off phones/devices and going to bed… Continue Reading >
Implementing Safe Sleep Practices for your little one. As a new parent, sometimes we can find ourselves wishing for a magic solution to help our little ones sleep peacefully. But it’s important to know that while some products are marketed… Continue Reading >
The key to better sleep for all of us is to acknowledge initially that sometimes, if not every night, we can get woken up by the kids and that this will have a bearing on our sleep. We need to… Continue Reading >
Ah, the joys of parenting! Just when you thought you had mastered the art of getting your little angel to sleep through the night, along comes the dreaded 2-year sleep regression. You’ve finally regained some semblance of a normal sleep… Continue Reading >
By Youthrive Occupational Therapist Portia Gunn Sleep plays a very important role in our development, physical health and mental wellbeing. It is so important, that on average, we sleep for one-third of our lives! But, it is in our… Continue Reading >
Sleeping difficulties in children are not uncommon,(1) and we know what a lack of sleep can do to us. It makes everyone more irritable and sensitive.(2) It reduces our ability to provide the care we want due to being too… Continue Reading >
With many of us juggling busy work and home schedules, this modern stressful lifestyle can negatively affect the quality and quantity of our sleep. Prolonged periods of insomnia can impact our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, however, I am going… Continue Reading >
Sleep glorious sleep; never will these words hit home more than when you have a newborn baby and you long for uninterrupted sleep. For babies, sleep is vital for growth and development, which is why they sleep so much, but… Continue Reading >
Oh sleep, sleep ,sleep….. If only we had the magic wand to wave over our babies and toddlers to get them to sleep like little angels! But these babies and toddlers of ours are all so different. Some arrive… Continue Reading >
It has come to that time of year where the weather is cooling down and the days are getting shorter. If you are a parent, then this isn’t as much about moving towards autumn leaves and more temperate days, but… Continue Reading >
New Australian research has revealed that 77% of new parents feel judged by others based on their baby’s ability to sleep through the night. Of parents who reported feeling judged, one in two (48%) admitted to telling white lies about… Continue Reading >
Parents report kids as old as 10 are waking multiple times in the night. Leading sleep expert reveals the health-related red flags. Sleep deprivation can have a negative impact on children’s behaviour, health and development. New research now reveals it… Continue Reading >
Let’s talk newborns and sleep! Congratulations on your precious newborn. Babies are little miracles and bring bundles of joy. But along with all the love and joy this newborn journey brings, also comes many, many questions. Am I right? Lovely mama,… Continue Reading >
“When should I move my toddler from the cot to a bed? Is there an ideal time?” This is a question I get asked A LOT! Parents do get excited, naturally, about moving their little one to the next stage,… Continue Reading >
Media kindly brought to you by The Natural Bedding Company There’s lots to think about when your little one is about to transition from a cot to a big bed. Of course, you need the bed itself, new sheets… Continue Reading >
Pre-sleep Rituals or bedtime routines are really good to introduce to your baby around three months old. I like to call them rituals because they do become just that. Rituals. By incorporating special time with your baby before they go… Continue Reading >
When your baby arrives into the world, we think of how cute and tiny they are. With their adorable faces and innocent smiles. It is hard to not marvel at the miracle of life. But many parents are not prepared… Continue Reading >
If you’re one of the 67% of Aussies struggling to sleep worse since COVID19, this article is for you. Particularly with the upcoming daylight savings, a time which throws our circadian rhythm out of whack, if you’re in need of some… Continue Reading >
I love this time of year. The weather gently changes and becomes warmer. I always embrace daylight savings as it’s the beginning of longer, lighter evenings and more time spent outside. But the onset of daylight savings can disrupt a… Continue Reading >
Sarah Neale, Clinical Nurse Coordinator, The Mater Private Hospital Newborns sleep up to a total of 16 hours per day. With so much time spent sleeping, it is incredibly important for parents to play a key role in creating… Continue Reading >
About to become a mum? How exciting! There are so many amazing new things that come with newborns. It comes with some pretty big challenges too, one of which is the rollercoaster of change to your sleep. Strap yourself in,… Continue Reading >
If your baby is waking several times during the night it is unlikely to be directly related to teething. Your baby’s deepest sleep is from bed time through to midnight and from midnight till 7am your baby is in… Continue Reading >
Wow, what a crazy start to 2020! I’m sure you’re all feeling the impact of the coronavirus epidemic. You might be feeling overwhelmed or scared about the future. It’s OK to be feeling those things, but it’s important to get… Continue Reading >
This post is proudly brought to you by Little One’s Nappies Sleepless nights and newborns go hand in hand, and new parents can kiss goodbye to the idea of 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Although babies sleep a lot –… Continue Reading >
“Sleep when your Baby Sleeps” Everyone knows this classic tip but we all know that is not possible….. your baby, on the other hand, is programmed to take naps. A babies daytime sleep and nighttime sleep work hand- in-… Continue Reading >
While awaiting the due date of your baby, you’re bound to find yourself flipping between swings of anxiety and excitement. Looking up feeding and nursing chairs and cute baby clothes will grow to be a guilty pleasure of yours as… Continue Reading >
If you are unsure as to whether your child or teen is getting a good quality sleep, ask them if they remember their dreams. Your child may have no trouble falling asleep (simply due to exhaustion) but then seem to… Continue Reading >
You’ve probably heard of some useful gadgets and products that are aimed to help with sleep problems. But have you wondered whether all these innovations in sleep technology are just a fad or a true necessity? In today’s world, we’re surrounded by… Continue Reading >
I am passionate about SLEEP and understand the benefits for both adults and children, the evidence supporting sleep is compelling and widely understood and supported by health care professionals around the world. The human brain—yours and your baby’s—runs on sleep…. Continue Reading >
Dream Winks takes a unique approach to sleep and settling that is quite different to traditional consultants and sleep schools. This allows us to offer support before birth and with newborns once feeding is established, as well as older babies… Continue Reading >
As a baby sleep consultant of 19 years and midwife and nurse of 29 years, I can tell you with certainty that the 4-month sleep regression is real! It derails babies, starting off a spiral of sleep deprivation. Parents always… Continue Reading >
Everyone needs sleep. There is no wonder why sleep deprivation is a torture technique. But for many parents, their kid’s sleep is a source of frustration and anxiety. There are so many reasons why kids don’t sleep well. And allergy… Continue Reading >
When it comes to sleep so many parents think that if you choose to address issues and seek out help then you will need to take a cry it out approach and for many, this misconception scares them off seeking… Continue Reading >
Like any new parent, former Australian netball captain Laura Geitz struggled to find the time to remain active around her son Barney’s schedule. Returning to work and fitness is possible following childbirth but is still a challenge, even for an elite… Continue Reading >
As a sleep consultant, I talk to a lot of parents and read lots of posts by parents. One of the things I hear talked about a lot, or ‘blamed’ for sleep issues, is sleep regressions. The thing is these… Continue Reading >
Everyone will always tell you “all babies are so different!” So how is it that there are so many sleep routines out there that expect every baby to be able to conform to the same feed and sleep time each… Continue Reading >
Dressing your baby for sleep can often be a bit of a guessing game, particularly during the colder months when nursery temperatures drop and parents’ anxiety levels skyrocket! What is the right temperature for my nursery? What is a tog… Continue Reading >
Sleep Deprivation: The voluntary or involuntary disruption or insufficient quantity of sleep. It is said that sleep is crucial to the adequate functioning of the human body. It is said that a distinct lack of proper sleep can lead to… Continue Reading >
I’m sleep deprived. My toddler has obstructive sleep apnoea and wakes hourly if not more frequently and then there’s the four-year-old – no further explanation required. Sleep deprivation is my Achille’s heel. It is as Kryptonite is to Superman, as… Continue Reading >
There is a plethora of information out there and services targeted at helping babies to sleep better. Why? Because we know it is important for babies to develop a good sleep routine. It is just as important for parents to… Continue Reading >
Does your child frequently wake in the night? Do you feel as though you have tried every trick in the book and you’re still walking around like a zombie all day after being up all night with a crying, unsettled… Continue Reading >
Good quality sleep is one of the requirements for proper brain development for our little ones. The first 6 months of their lives are crucial for developing good sleeping skills. So early on, we need to start training them proper… Continue Reading >
***Product Review*** ergoPouch have just launched a new range of Organic Cotton Jersey Bags for the 2016 Spring/Summer season. The idea to introduce this new Sleeping Bag into the market was born from a real consumer need. As mums we… Continue Reading >
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