By Sarah Smith from Bayside Dietetics
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Here are two of the most common questions I get asked:
What is the best thing to eat for a snack?
What should you feed your children for snacks?
If I was selling you a book or program I’d talk about a “super” food. But I’m not selling a fad – I’m a balanced dietitian (…at least I’ll be able to back up my answer!). Really a good snack provides the nutrients missing at mealtimes and avoids processed options. Here are some great snack ideas that most adults and children need between meals. First, some reasons why, then 12 ideas for snacks that hopefully hit the spot.
- Dairy
We know that most Australians aren’t getting the dairy that they need and that this is having an impact on our bones. Not eating enough dairy means weak bones as we age. Dairy is a ripper snack, think cubed cheese and fruit, a fruit smoothie, sliced cheese and wholegrain crackers, a tub of yoghurt. Here is a dairy snack idea to get some excitement:
Frozen yoghurt 3 ways
The easy route: Take your or your child’s favourite yoghurt and freeze it. Mini containers and squeeze tubes work best for this. If you are waste conscious – buy a large tub of yoghurt then divide into small containers before freezing.
A little more effort: Using icy pole moulds, layer in yoghurt then diced fruit. Frozen fruit is pre-cut and works well, but feel free to cut your own fresh fruit. Freeze once full.
Get inspired: Here is a great site with tips on how to make your own delicious frozen yoghurt:
- Vegetables
I don’t feel like I need to add much background here…getting more vegetables into the day is great for most of us.
Vegetables 3 ways
The easy route: Pre-cut vegetables from your local supermarket. Enjoy plain or with a dip. No need to analyse the nutrition in the dip – it is a great way to help you enjoy vegetables.
A little more effort: Make yourself a mini salad. Include any vegetables you have available from tomatoes to lettuce to olives. Include a couple of things that make the salad really tasty for you or your child. For me it is avocado, fetta cheese or olives while little people I know prefer cucumber, carrot and grated tasty cheese.
Make it easy with a pre-made dressing or for a super healthy option drizzle on olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
Get inspired: I love this vegetable fritter recipe from thekichn. It helps you become your own expert on making fritters so that you can use whatever is in season or whatever you have in the house. The fritters can be eaten warm or saved for up to a week which makes them a perfect snack option.
- Fruit
The goodness in fruit comes from 2 key things: 1. Eating the skin. Most of the nutrients and fibre sit in or below the skin of fruit. 2. Eating fruits of different colours. It is the nutrients in fruits that give the different colours. So eat fruit of different colours and you are eating the array of awesome nutrients out there.
Fruit 3 ways
The easy route: A piece of fruit. I can cut my word count here.
A little more effort: How good do fruit salads look at the local café? I personally rarely have the right fruits at home. However, if I make the decision to make a fruit salad prior to my supermarket trip, then buying the delicious fruit and spending 20 minutes cutting fruit while I listen to the kids read is something I can do. This time of year is particularly inspiring for fruit salads.
Get inspired: A picture to tell a thousand words…
- Nuts
Nuts provide us with healthy fats, fibre, protein and energy. Many clients tell me that this scares them. We are told that energy and fat might cause weight gain. We know from studies however that getting energy and fat from nuts is a healthy way to do it and is not associated with weight gain. The key is avoiding nuts that won’t let you stop eating them, such as salted roasted nuts. There are great ways to make nuts tasty around this.
Nuts 3 ways
The easy route: Supermarkets sell raw and dry roasted nuts in bags. Both of these options are healthier alternatives to salted or roasted nuts.
A little more effort: Roast your own nuts. Then you get so much more variety than the supermarket options. Buy your favourite raw nuts then mix to your personal preference. To roast, spread over on an oven tray then bake for 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees celsius. More expert tips at
Get inspired: Try spicing up your nuts, literally
I hope you’re all enjoying the arrival of summer and the inspiring snacks this season can bring.
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