We’re in the middle of the school holidays right across Australia which means many parents are probably hearing their kids whine about how bored they are, am I right? Well don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with an epic list of 50 fun and easy things to do with your kids at home these school holidays. Print if off, stick it on the fridge and work your way through, we guarantee there’ll be fun for weeks!
Bake something.
Build a cubby house using blankets and pillows.
Have a movie day. Make your own popcorn.
Write a story.
Play some board games or create your own board game.
Paint a picture.
Make your own puppets and put on a puppet show.
Play hide and seek.
Make paper aero planes and see which can fly the highest.
Read a book.
Make your own playdough.
Do a puzzle.
Put on some music and make a up a dance.
Make paper mache creations.
Write a letter to a friend.
Colour in.
Play balloon volleyball.
Make an indoor obstacle course.
Learn a magic trick and put on a show.
Make your own jewelry using beads and string.
Make your own costumes and put on a play.
Learn origami.
Write a poem or song.
Plant a vegetable or herb garden.
Build a cubby house.
Wash the car.
Go hunting for bugs.
Do chalk drawings on the concrete.
Make mud pies.
Have a water fight.
Play hide and seek.
Do a nature scavenger hunt.
Have a picnic lunch.
Camp in the backyard.
Play ball games.
Jump on the trampoline.
Make an obstacle course.
Play Frisbee.
Ride your bike or scooter.
Make your own bubble mixture with detergent and water.
Play hopscotch.
See how many times you can jump rope.
Water play.
Make a daisy chain.
Build sandcastles in the sand pit.
Run through the sprinkler.
Have a running race or play chasey.
Make and fly your own kite.
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