How to manage feelings of guilt as a mother 

A big part of my work involves supporting mothers as they reconcile their needs and ambitions as women with their family commitments. What we usually tackle first is the GUILT monster. The one that shows up when they raise their… Continue Reading >

Mother’s Day from across the waves

When I moved to Australia, I knew that I wouldn’t be able to see my family as much as I would have liked. But we always had a plan in place. Either I was going back to England or my… Continue Reading >

Recognising Stepmothers on Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is just one day of 365 days to recognise and acknowledge the role of all women and all female carers; mothers, stepmothers, grandmothers, guardians, carers in their often unsung and unpaid roles as carers of Australian children.  Biology… Continue Reading >

Simple things you can do to build a healthy mother/daughter relationship

by Monica M. Bijoux, CEO/ Founder & International Bestselling Author   Parenting is complicated enough.  For me being a single teenage mother with complications of having a significant history of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse made parenting 10x more difficult. … Continue Reading >

Mother – The Keeper Of The Home

Every year in May we have the opportunity to honour the Mothers’ of our families. Gifts are wrapped and flowers are brought. On a Sunday morning the kitchen is alive, busy with whispers and scurry. A special breakfast presented in… Continue Reading >

To the best mother – you!

Quite a few years ago I was listening to talk back radio on a long road trip to help keep me awake and alert. The radio announcer was talking about relationships between estranged parents and children and was inviting people… Continue Reading >

We don’t have a mother, just two dads: coming out every week…

Shane Warren   Recently I was at a conference and I ran into a mother of a child who was a ‘close’ friend of my eldest in day-care.  This in itself is not an all too uncommon experience, but it… Continue Reading >

Preparing for a Loving Relationship with Your Newborn: A Mother’s Guide

My name is Natasha Hogan and I would like to share my story of becoming a mother as it truly is an extraordinary and transformative experience! I struggled in my journey to conceive and needed to utilise IVF, but once… Continue Reading >

Pregnancy: the best time to prepare for the birth of a new you

Becoming a mother is an important rite of passage in the life of a woman. Preparing for motherhood and your postpartum experience can make a huge difference to your stress levels, mood and relationships during the first days, weeks and… Continue Reading >

5 Affordable Ways I Made my Daughters 1st Year Memorable

By Alynda De Souza  – @mamajags   Becoming a mother for the first time can be a scary, yet oh so rewarding experience – and let me tell you, it stays that way no matter how many children you have!… Continue Reading >