

It can be tough, I know.

First there’s all the excitement & build-up of the pending arrival: the baby shower…. the ultrasounds…. the ante-natal &/or breastfeeding classes…. and sometimes, the leg cramps, the reflux or the internal kicks that wake you up in the night….

Then the real chaos hits!!

Your newborn is here and life becomes a complete spin…. nappies and night feeds, sleep deprivation and stroller wrestling…. It’s a perfect blessing and life levelling upheaval all in one…. and unfortunately, ‘healthy’ routines commonly fall into a state of dysfunction and those weird food cravings can sometimes continue calling!!

Then, before you know it…. your ‘perfect blessing’ becomes mobile, (or starts ‘big school’, or graduates from Uni), and all of a sudden it hits you, that maybe you’re not quite as fit as what you used to be!!  You try to get yourself back on track, but it’s just…. so…. darn…. hard…. to find your way back to the land of ‘healthy’, right?!

Whoa back, hang on a minute! Hard? No way…. that’s just all those negative subliminal messages around you, playing with your head! It’s simple, so let’s just map out the major routes for reaching your destination….


1:         Focus on the Bliss You’ll FEEL (Plan):

When it comes to exercise and eating well, our thoughts are commonly hijacked and steered towards the roadblocks (such as the amount of time, effort &/or money required), rather than propelled towards the amazing outcomes that both will produce. If you notice your thoughts wandering towards the ‘hard’, huffy-puffy-sweaty business of a workout, or the time required to plan, shop and prepare a healthy menu, STOP right there!! Instead focus your sights on (and I mean, really visualise in detail), these simple things including, but not limited to:

  • Your ‘why’. Your ultimate long term reason for wanting to maintain good health;
  • How generally awesome you feel when the post workout endorphins kick in;
  • How completely satisfied your senses feel when you’re nourished with beautiful, fresh, ‘real’ foods;
  • Anything else that serves as an effective motivator.

Implement this step every day in the lead up to your healthy re-launch….. and every day thereafter.


2:         Lock it in the Diary (Prepare):

Just as you would keep an appointment with your doctor or your hairdresser, or your ‘perfect blessing’s’ swimming lessons, YOU are important enough to justify your own appointment time too! When your start date is locked in, you can begin to make all the necessary preparations, according to the timeframe you’ve established (eg: new gym gear / gym membership / ‘at-home’ equipment / ‘support team’ / menu plan / an appropriately stocked fridge & pantry / etc).

Creating an itinerary and locking your ongoing workouts in the diary also demonstrates your firm commitment to enjoying the self-care destination of good health for the long term…. as part of your normal, everyday life.


3:         Take Small Achievable Steps, Consistently (Progress):

Getting back on the highway to good health can sometimes be a little daunting if you think too much about all the potential hazards along the way. Provided your ‘compass’ is calibrated to take you in the right direction however, you can simply focus on consistently moving ahead, rather than being distracted by all the sparkly new fads and diets vying for your attention.

Sticking to the process of moving forward is what will get you to your destination. Make each move small and simple to begin with (eg: drink adequate H2O daily / eat a ‘rainbow’ of fresh fruits and vegetables every day / go for a walk 3 times per week)…. and allow your momentum to build naturally. As you become more confident and inspired by your own adventure, you’ll pick up the pace and reach your destination with ease.


4:         Be Kind to Yourself (Persist): 

Approach your self-care adventure back to good health with the firm belief that you are worthy of the destination. Choose to arrive in first class luxury, generously sustained by delicious, nutritious and wholesome foods in balanced abundance rather than taking an alternative budget experience that focuses largely upon deprivation and sacrifice.

If the tempests of everyday life knock you slightly off course again…. it’s OK!! Getting frustrated or cranky or ripping up your roadmaps or itineraries, isn’t going to change the situation. Take a breath and be grateful for being the perfectly imperfect human that you are…. we can all get a little lost at times. Every day brings us to a new starting line however and we get to decide which path we take that day. Detours, digressions, speed humps and roadblocks can’t justify the cancellation of your journey towards better health, because ultimately they will enrich the experience and make your destination even sweeter.


5:         Engage an Appropriate Guide if Necessary (Perform):

Navigating the terrain to good (or better) health can be a little tricky at times, particularly if you’ve never been there before. Perhaps you’ve taken the same road many times, and it’s simply time to try a different route? With so much misinformation freely available and actively pushed within today’s popular media, it’s often hard to determine the clearest path for you and your unique requirements. That’s where the experts can really help you gain some traction!

Whether it’s nutritional advice, exercise programming or the all-important mindset and motivation, with the right guidance you’ll gain the momentum you need, to get you where you really want to be. There’s so many to select from however, so when choosing one, trust your gut…. It has to be an open and trusting relationship that will equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to power ahead under your own steam for the long term!


Still Need an Extra Nudge?

If you really find it challenging to get motivated and these tips don’t ignite that spark (because of course, we’re all unique individuals)…. I’ve got a whole collection of strategies tucked away, so let’s chat soon about the ways I can enliven your desire!


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