How White Noise Helps the Whole Family

By Dr. Harvey Karp   What if you treated your own bedtime and sleep space like it was your baby’s? Best guess: You’d start sleeping better, pronto! While there are no grownup-size swaddles or SNOOs (yet!), there is one baby-sleep… Continue Reading >

A Lactation Consultant’s Top tips for easier night feeds

Your newborn doesn’t know day from night; tiny tummies don’t hold enough milk for your baby to sleep through the night yet; and night time breastfeeds are important to maintain your milk supply – your prolactin (milk making hormone) levels… Continue Reading >

Announcing: Kiddipedia’s Newborn Guide 2024 Edition

What could be more beautiful than bringing a new life into the world? It is undoubtedly incomparable and unparalleled with anything else. From a baby’s first heartbeat to the moment you hold your newborn in your hands, the journey to… Continue Reading >

What to Do When Baby Wakes Every Hour?

By Harvey Karp   It’s totally normal and expected for newborns to wake often at night for a feed and a nappy change. In fact, the longest stretch of newborn night time ZZZ’s is usually about 4 hours, which bumps… Continue Reading >

Chinese Traditional Medicine and Herbal Nutrition on the First Months of Your Newborn’s Life

Well-known nutritionist Nicole Chien*, advises on how to make the early days with your baby easier, more settled and harmonious with the help of Chinese Traditional Medicine and herbal nutrition. Nicole explains: “In Asian culture, mums are very much looked… Continue Reading >

Preparing for Your Newborn’s Arrival: A Guide for New Parents

The moment you learn a new baby is on the way, your world transforms most magically. It’s a journey filled with wonder, dreams, and a bit of uncertainty too. As new parents, it’s completely normal to feel a whirlwind of… Continue Reading >

10 things to do before your newborn arrives

All the training, education & experience in the world can’t prepare you for the sleep-deprivation-induced fogginess and confusion that comes with a newborn. I speak from experience as a teacher of 20+ years, a nanny of two years, and a… Continue Reading >

Preparing for a Loving Relationship with Your Newborn: A Mother’s Guide

My name is Natasha Hogan and I would like to share my story of becoming a mother as it truly is an extraordinary and transformative experience! I struggled in my journey to conceive and needed to utilise IVF, but once… Continue Reading >

Supporting Brain Development in your Baby

Congratulations! Suddenly, you have a tiny vulnerable human who is completely reliant on you. You have been given advice on when they should sleep, how to keep them clean and healthy, how you change their nappy and why you need… Continue Reading >

Common Newborn Conditions from Head to Toe

Having a newborn baby is such an exciting time for many new parents, but it also may be one of the most challenging, particularly for first-time parents. I have put together some information about a few common newborn conditions that… Continue Reading >