South West Wellbeing Centre

South West Wellbeing Centre

This last 12 months has been a different year on so many levels. It could be easy to get stuck in the disaster and the drama, worried about the past, the present or the future……Sure, there have been many changes this last year. Lots of uncertainty, lots of things to affect life as we know it. You may have been restricted from working, visiting friends or travelling like you would like to. Think however of the things that were positive and good – of the benefits and think of your continued health. You got thru this. And how this New Year will be different.

The end of the year is always a busy time. A time to catch up with family and friends. For some it may be a stressful time. A time of anxiety and change. But it’s also a time to have a break. To refresh and renew. To reflect on the year, to consider the future. It’s a time to set goals and be determined. A time to reset, to refocus and get back on track with your vision, your mission or your purpose. So you had that, just now….the transition from December and last year – into January and this New Year.

So ….what did you discover?? Can you remember that you are in control. Yes, lots of things are out of our control. There are things that will happen, and that will affect us. But you can decide how to respond. You can decide to change things or to have a more positive outlook on life. Yep – the “glass half full story” comes to mind. This is a great time of year to reflect and reconsider your habits, actions and behaviours. You can make decisions that can transform your life.  Indeed, you can make decisions that can change the course of your life.  Think about that.  It’s your life. You are in charge!!

So, enjoy your Summer, the renewal time. If you have a break or a holiday, enjoy that too. If you still need to work – well, yes you can even enjoy that!!  There are many things in our life, in our country that we can enjoy and be thankful for. I encourage you to make some time to pause and to consider those things.Take care over this different time, and enjoy!!