

Easy ways mums can manage the whole family’s nutrition.

Article to be attributed to James Halim, Nutritionist and Food Service Dietician at MACROS.


A healthy diet is an integral part of maintaining a balanced lifestyle, however, even more vital when you are pregnant or planning to start a family. Fresh and healthy meals make you feel good while giving bub the essential nutrients they need to develop in the womb, so we’ve collated a few easy ways to manage nutrition (and your time), while the bump gets bigger.

Meal delivery

Taking the hassle out of staying healthy. There are several fresh, nutritious, ready-made meal services suitable for mums. Whether this is your first bub or a welcome addition to your already established family, having meals delivered to your door eliminates the stress of thinking, prepping, then serving up a healthy balanced meal that you know will do good for your insides time and time again. MACROS is one brand worth investing in, thanks to their portion controlled, high protein, and refined sugar free meals. Designed by in-house dieticians, this is a great way to ensure you are meeting your targets when it comes to your macros (carbs, fats, protein), and sustaining a high level of energy for optimal functioning while getting bub used to a healthy clean diet. Pick between plant based, balanced, and family meal plans to keep dinner diverse and exciting.

Meal prep

Saving time is a priority as a mum, or mum-to-be, which is why meal prep is a very effective way to ensure you are meeting nutrition goals (think lasagne, bolognese, soups etc.). By cooking in batches, and freezing the excess, you can avoid reaching for fast meals or having takeaway tempt you throughout the week, both key contributors in deterring those health and wellness goals.
Hot tip: when you buy and cook in bulk, the grocery haul becomes that little bit cheaper as well.

Food swaps

Cravings for new or expecting mums will kick in no doubt, so we have a few substitutions to note that might really work for you:
• Potato chips  pop corn or rice cakes
• Lollies  fresh fruit
• Chocolate  chocolate yoghurt, chocolate protein bars, chocolate bliss balls
• Soft drink  sparkling water with fruit
• French fries  sweet potato fries

2 fruit 5 veg

Easier said then done, however 2 fruit and 5 veg is a healthy eating practice worth keeping top of mind throughout pregnancy and beyond. If you aren’t obsessed with a plate full of broccoli, might I suggest a few workarounds that will leave you full and satisfied?
• Add extra diced veg to soups, casseroles, and scrambled eggs
• Add spiralised carrots and zucchini to your pasta dish
• Mix fruit (fresh, frozen or stewed), into greek yogurt for dessert
• Blend fresh fruit into smoothies as a mid-morning snack

There’s no need to cut out all your favourites, however sometimes you need to reach for something a little healthier, with you and your baby in mind. Ahead of and during your journey to motherhood, I recommend devising a health and wellness action plan with your dietician and/or health professional. They will be able to advise of specific changes to suit your personal needs.

Plan your week using some of the helpful foodie hacks above. Go for quality and quantity when eating for two.