I think we’d all agree that life is all kinds of crazy busy and consistently unpredictable. There never ever seems to be enough hours in the day, or a sufficient amount of calm, peaceful moments that have us feel that life under control.
No matter what, time is a finite resource.
We are always left with only 24 hours to squeeze everything in. No wonder the weeks and months fly by so fast.
I don’t know about you but I’m a big fan of working smarter not harder and ‘buying time’ so to create less stress with the hope of creating more quality, memorable moments.
So what is it that can give freedom, flexibility, and peace of mind?
Babysitting is a great option, and no not palming off the kids to your parents. This is also about giving them a break. So, what are the benefits and advantages?
To help talk to us about that and answer any other questions on this topic we welcome our special guest, Tara McTeigue, Founder, Mumaco
We ask Tara questions including:
- Have you found an increased interest in babysitting as it allows childcare in a home environment?
- Are you finding more parents are opting for in-home care and babysitting rather than the rush of having to drop off and pick up external childcare?
- Your article highlights the key things to consider when booking a sitter. Why is it so important to be prepared?
- What is the legal age to babysit in Australia?
- Do the legal babysitting rules differ change state to state? If so, how?
- What do parents have to legally provide to a babysitter?
- Is there a Babysit COVID-19 policy? If so, what do we need to know about it?
- What are babysitter’s rights?
- What are the main issues families encounter when looking for a babysitter?
- What questions parents should ask their babysitter?
- How do parents best prepare their children for a new babysitter they have never met before?
- Typically, what activities should babysitters do with the children they’re looking after? Is that the responsibility of the parent to provide activities for them?
- What rules should parents have in place when inviting a babysitter into their home for the first time?
- What are common issues parents encounter with babysitters?
For Tara’s full article: https://kiddipedia.com.au/five-things-to-consider-when-booking-a-babysitter/
For further information: https://www.facebook.com/mumacoapp