

It’s fair to say that being stuck indoors for part of this year was not kind to any parent or child. Pair that with the fact that stats have revealed that around 1 in 4 kids aged 5-14 are overweight or obese, and mental health levels in kids have taken a well publicised decline this year, and you have some very compelling arguments as to why getting your kids active is a good idea.

While getting your kids to do daily push ups and block runs may not be appeasing to them, there are other ways that you can get them active that are not only fun, but are also good for their mind and strengthening their problem solving skills.

Obstacle Courses

Obstacle courses for example allow them to not only complete challenges that they may not often come across, but as they get used to the course, they can gamify the experience by racing against their own speed, finding better ways to complete the course and they compete against family and friends.

Australia is seeing more and more Ninja Parc’s popping up around the country, and they are suitable for kids and parents of all ages. You can expect rope climbs, bouldering challenges, vertical and horizontal doors and a sea of poles, each offering the opportunity to get moving, learn something new, all while having fun in a safe environment.

Paddle Boarding

Stand up paddle boarding is a great activity for the whole family that also allows you to get out and enjoy the outdoors, you could go on an adventure and get into nature.

Aside from it being a fun day out, it is also the ultimate full body workout as you rely on a strong core, glutes and legs to hold you up. Companies like Red Paddle Co who are the worlds most awarded inflatable paddle board company has a family board that can hold a few people at once, or boards to suit every person. Best of all, they are easy to carry to the secret spots as they fold up into a large backpack


Another idea for the school holidays is to take your kids for a hide, or a walk around your local national park. You can even finish up with a picnic. Take time to notice any animals or interesting trees and plants you see. While you will be getting some exercise, you will have the chance to remind your kids of the amazing nature that surrounds them (as so many are glued to their screens these days) and it is great for their mental health, inquisitiveness and learning in general.