

Ben Lucas, Flow Athletic expert for the Real Insurance Sydney Harbour 10&5K Retro Run

Fun runs are increasingly popular in Australia and are on the rise in many cities. Fun runs are a great way to raise money for charity, challenge your fitness abilities and socialise with likeminded individuals! 

If you have a family and have signed up for a fun run, but your children are too young to attend there are still ways to involve them in your training and preparation to make them feel just as included. Whether they are sending you off from the start line or cheering you on at the finish line, you can involve your children in several ways to make it a day of family fun. 

Explain your motivation

Never underestimate the curiosity of a child. As we know, our children are growing and learning each day and are often curious about the most random of things! Use this a way to speak to your children about what it is that motivates you to participate in a fun run. Explain to your child what they are, where you will be running and why you are doing it. If you have a charity you are running for, educate your children about what the charity does to help others and why it’s important to raise awareness and help people in need where possible. 

Train with them on weekends

Whilst your training might be intense and consistent, try and make time on a weekend where you can slow the training down and bring your kids along. Treating your kids to a training session can be a great way to involve them in some fun and physical activity. Whilst they are at an extremely different level to you – lowering your own standards for session can be a great way to have some fun with the kids and teach them new skills. 

Host a recovery session at home

With all good training should come recovery, and this is a perfect way to let your kids have some fun and feel involved in your fun run prep! Hosting a recovery session one afternoon can be a great way to allow your kids to feel included in your routine. Have them go for a light run or do a series of exercises, all followed by a recovery hour which might include a quick cold ice bath, massages at home, foot soaks and more! Letting your children choose their own recovery can also give them a sense of control and inclusion. 

Bring them along

Even though they may not be able to run alongside you, you can bring your children along to support you on the day. You can suggest wearing matching jerseys or family shirts, you can let them pick whether they would like to send you off at the start line or meet you at the finish line. Allowing your kids to celebrate your achievements is a wonderful way to involve them in the whole process – one they will definitely remember! 

Want to do a run event with your kids? Look no further than the Real Insurance Sydney Harbour 10&5K “Retro Run”

An 80s-themed “Retro Run” is coming to Sydney on July 28, 2024, and whether you like running, or simply like to dress up, the event is not to be missed!

Through the iconic  Real Insurance Sydney Harbour 10K and 5K event this year, we will celebrate this renaissance with an event that is more than just a race. It’s a time-travelling experience, a throwback that merges fitness, fun, and nostalgia!  Runners of all ages are welcome and encouraged to dress up for prizes.

2024 will also see our renewed mission to help support lifesaving cancer research through our partnership with Australian Cancer Research Foundation (ACRF).  Also founded in the 80s, this year we will support ACRF as they celebrate their 40-year milestone of funding bold, brave and brilliant cancer research across Australia.

Ben Lucas