Alyce Wood is defying the odds, showing pregnant women that it’s not only safe, but beneficial to exercise while pregnant.

Alyce Wood trained with the National team in the Kayak until she was 33 weeks pregnant – and she could have kept training if only she could fit in the boat! Alyce continued dry land training until the morning she… Continue Reading >

How to Include Your Kids in Your Fun Run Prep

Ben Lucas, Flow Athletic expert for the Real Insurance Sydney Harbour 10&5K Retro Run Fun runs are increasingly popular in Australia and are on the rise in many cities. Fun runs are a great way to raise money for charity,… Continue Reading >

My Child is a Stubborn Fussy Eater, Help!

“My child is a stubborn fussy eater”, is a comment I hear all the time in my work as a fussy eater specialist. Stubbornness is a fascinating personality trait that may deliver long-term benefits[i], but in the meantime, parents are… Continue Reading >

How To Develop Motivation To Learn In Children

Tips from a teacher and parent. Every parent has their own life lessons they want to teach their children. For some, it is about taking responsibility for their decisions. For others – it’s about building resilience to achieve their dreams…. Continue Reading >


by Damon Nailer   Intrinsic Motivation is internal, meaning it comes from within and can be generated without any assistance. Typically, leaders, independent, assertive, and aggressive people possess intrinsic motivation. This is because in many cases, they don’t have anyone… Continue Reading >

6 Life Skills Your Child Will Learn Through Starting Their Own Business

By Julie Medeiros Julie Medeiros is a business professional with degrees in education and marketing, and a founder of Miss M Online Classes – the educational project offering children 8+ business education about discovering and monetising their talents, marketing and entrepreneurship.   Many of you… Continue Reading >

How to Stay Motivated When You Have No Motivation

Sometimes it can be hard to stay motivated, especially when you are juggling lock downs, children, a career and a family.  The reason people find themselves unmotivated could be because they are not seeing the bigger picture.  When things are… Continue Reading >

Joe Wicks, founder of The Body Coach App shares his top tips for your wellness

There is so much more to wellness than just going to the gym and eating well. Wellness is how you feel, how you view yourself and your mental health. In fact, if anything I prefer that my clients train with… Continue Reading >

Why wellness is more than weight-loss. Why The Body Coach wants you to focus on your mind and mental health

The past year has been a real emotional rollercoaster. It’s challenged us all and tested our resilience in ways we have never experienced before. I don’t know about you, but for me personally it’s definitely affected my mental health, my… Continue Reading >

Mother’s Day 2020

Motivation takes practice, it takes dedication, and it takes time and PATIENCE. Rome wasn’t built in a day and if you are going to be successful in change – it’s going to be a life change – and that takes time. If… Continue Reading >