


Witnessing your child’s struggle with eating difficulties can be somewhat traumatising, equally for you and your child.

If this situation isn’t counselled and supported effectively you may be at risk of developing anxiety and stress feeding for years to come which can have a lasting impact on your family. However, like many things in life, knowledge is power, the more we know, the better we can prevent these behaviours from happening.

So if you’re a parent that has found that feeding your child has become a challenging and nerve raking activity, and you are looking for support and additional help and advice, you’re in the right place.

To share tips to help you raise a happy, healthy eater and empower you to feel more in control we welcome our special guest, Marie-France Laval, Dietitian-Nutritionist, Home Eco-nom-ist and Counsellor originally from France. She is also the CEO of Fussy Eater Solutions where she offers a range of online and in-home programs to support fussy eaters and their families

Marie-France will be sharing her expert advice on how to best manage fussy eaters.

We ask Marie-France questions including:

  1. As a parent, how do you know you need support?
  2. Can this journey be very lonely for many parents?
  3. What has this been the experience of the families you work with this?
  4. What are some of the common issues parents experience with this situation?
  5. What type of support is there for parents and children? (a parent or a child may deal with trauma, negative experiences etc)
  6. What is co-regulation?
  7. What is responsive feeding?
  8. How do you establish it? Especially if your child has been showing little interest in feeding?

For Marie France’s full article, please go to:

For further info, visit: