Rainbow Families

Rainbow Families

Rainbow Families Early Years Support Guide is the result of collaboration between Rainbow Families and writer, Jacqui Tomlins.  The Guide has been developed in response to ongoing requests for information from parents and caregivers and is part of Rainbow Families’ commitment to providing quality resources for LGBTIQ families.

There are many things that rainbow families share with other families: we all have to adjust to the changes children bring to our lives; we all want our kids to grow up secure, healthy and happy; we all have good parenting days and bad.  And we all have to deal with nits and homework and fights over screen time.

But there are some things that are unique to rainbow families; small day-to-day challenges and bigger questions and concerns.  Rainbow Families Early Years Support Guide aims to address those differences.  The ideas, suggestions and advice contained in the guide represent the collective wisdom of dozens of parents who have grappled with these questions and challenges and come up with some great solutions.


Original article can be seen on Rainbow Families




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