

Lately I have had a lot going on. And I’m noticing more now that the years are just flying by. One minute you’re a first time mum with your first newborn baby and next minute you’re a mum to 3 kids. One’s in kinder and you’re looking at schools for next year. You’re trying to decide what to do with your second child because she’s a March baby so she could do 4yo kinder next year and be 4 turning 5 in school or do I keep her back and put her in 3yo kinder for next year so she will be 5 turning 6 in prep like her sister?

How do you know which is the right decision?! It’s such a hard one to make. And you don’t want to make the wrong one. Then there’s choosing which school to send your oldest to. Another hard decision. Another wrong decision you don’t want to make. Then on top of that you have the zoning to take into account as well. The only school we are zoned for is a larger school and isn’t exactly close. It’s definitely not walking distance that’s for sure. Then there’s this new school just opened up its smaller, nicer, different layout. But not in our zone. Outside of it by a few streets. Also not close, not walking distance.

You have school tours and interviews to organise that are supposed to help you make your decision but personally I think it makes it harder! Like they both look so nice. Both have nice uniforms, good curriculums. It’s just so scary to think your little baby is grown up and going off to school!

Then there’s my youngest baby. He’s 18months. Almost 2! He’s moved into a big boy bed. *insert crying hysterically here* something I don’t think I was fully ready for. I mean I was excited to change his room and make it all nice. And set up his bed and of course go shopping. But at the same time I was sad. My baby boy is growing up. He’s not in a cot anymore he’s not a baby anymore. My last baby is growing up *more crying*

So many changes happening all at once. I wish we could just freeze time and enjoy them being little for much longer.


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