I was navigating some abundance challenges recently, which resulted in a download of The New Paradigm Abundance Codes. A six-day energy shifting process of information, mindset reframes, deep dives and realignment to the new codes of abundance. It was fascinating how different the principles were from the way I was brought up with money and wealth.
It is quite obvious that we have been operating within a system that embodies a universal lack mentality that there is not enough to go around. That money and wealth needed to be worked hard for, and that nothing to do with abundance, wealth or money comes easily. These obvious learned limitations play out in our life experience if we subscribe to them as belief systems.
Like everything else in our lives right now these foundations of abundance, wealth and prosperity are in a state of transformation and change. As we evolve as a species we are experiencing dramatic shifts and changes in our relationship with abundance and prosperity.
Some view this shift as a move out of a patriarchal structure focused on capitalism and individual wealth, towards a more inclusive, heart-centred society that has unity consciousness for the benefit of all. Whatever the reason, change is certain and it’s an important time to reevaluate outdated belief systems around abundance and money we may have been operating out of, to ensure we are modelling belief systems to those around us that align with dreams, possibility and potential.
In the process of growing and learning developments, we are essentially downloading and being programmed with thoughts, beliefs, emotional and behavioural patterns over our childhood years, and many studies show this is especially during the first seven years. This is when brain neuroplasticity is, unsurprisingly at it’s fastest and children are like a sponge picking up and absorbing what is in their environment.
A Harvard Business review article reported that “Optimists reported that they stressed about finances 145 fewer days each year as compared to pessimists. They also make more money and are more likely to be promoted.”
So doesn’t it make sense to help our children facilitate a mindful and positive view of prosperity and abundance that ensures they aren’t captured into lack and limitation programming?
Here are a few principles to create an abundant state of mind, so you can embody and model this for your children in three easy ways:
Abundance is not limited to money.
Having an abundant mindset and consciousness helps align one’s self with the possibility of abundance on every level, including monetary abundance. When we can expand our view of abundance we open ourselves up to all the ways it can be delivered to us – and tap into our inherent creativity, joy and potential.
Create an abundant view of the world
There is always evidence of abundance in our lives if we are ready to see it from an optimistic point of view. Even if we are not experiencing the monetary abundance we might like, we always have an abundance of cells in our body, there are an abundance of clouds in the sky, or sun streaming down, or blades of grass on the sidewalk or even an abundance of thoughts moving through our mind every day. Acknowledging the ever-present abundance in our life, starts to vibrationally entrain us to abundance and the knowing that it is always there for us in some way shape or form, which keeps us out of a lack belief system.
Do unto others as you would do to you.
This is about giving and receiving and how this creates the movement of abundance in our lives. We are made of energy, and everything we do and action in our lives contains energy. Being conscious of what we are putting out in the world, to be in alignment with what we would like to receive back is a good check and balance. And ensuring we are always open to receiving is key to working with the energy of abundance. If we are constantly giving to much, or always take, take take, we will be energetically unbalanced and not in alignment with the harmonious ebbs and flows of the energy of abundance.
Photo by Matt on Unsplash