Is It Time For A Modern Day Vision Quest?

We are currently in a visionary passage from July’s Aquarius full moon right through to the full moon in August on the 23rd. As we transition between two Aquarius Full Moons, we can work with the open-minded qualities of Aquarius… Continue Reading >

Do We Need to Find Our Purpose?

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash   There has been a huge trend in recent years to ‘find your purpose’. I, for one went on an intrepid search for half my life to find my true self and what really mattered. I wanted… Continue Reading >

How To Embody Abundance

Abundance is a state of being. It can also be a state of mind, but more interesting is that it is our natural state, our birthright even, of that which we are made and the natural world we live in…. Continue Reading >

Following Your Inner Ebbs & Flow

As we say goodbye to warmer summer temperatures here in the southern hemisphere, it signals a step change. A time to recuperate and rest after a busy summer. Winter is a time to slow down, go inward and spend some… Continue Reading >

Creating An Abundance Consciousness For Your Children

I was navigating some abundance challenges recently, which resulted in a download of The New Paradigm Abundance Codes. A six-day energy shifting process of information, mindset reframes, deep dives and realignment to the new codes of abundance. It was fascinating… Continue Reading >

Inner Alignment

When we are in alignment within ourselves, we are in a state of coherence, harmony and homeostasis that ricochets out of the center of our being, into our individual energy field and everything that comes across our path. Everything is… Continue Reading >