Creating An Abundance Consciousness For Your Children

I was navigating some abundance challenges recently, which resulted in a download of The New Paradigm Abundance Codes. A six-day energy shifting process of information, mindset reframes, deep dives and realignment to the new codes of abundance. It was fascinating… Continue Reading >

Joanna Walden Transformation

Joanna Walden is a transformation coach, speaker and author of The Inside Hustle. This health and wellness business provides breakthrough personalised coaching, online courses, transformational travel tours, books, audiobooks, meditations and more to help you navigate change and uplevel your life.

Life Leadership with DoctorZed

Dr. Scott Zarcinas is a medical doctor, author of 8 books, and transformologist. He helps pro-active people lift the mind fog to get clarity of the path ahead and build the confidence to live the life you want, the way… Continue Reading >

What the Heck is ‘Fitness’ Anyway?

If I were to ask you “what is ‘fitness’”, how would you respond? In your mind, is it the ability to sprint 100m in 10 seconds or the capacity to run a marathon? Maybe it’s just chasing after your kids… Continue Reading >

How to Master a Positive Mindset for Your Wellness

Have you ever had a moment when you realised your health was spiralling out of control? What was the red flag that indicated it for you? Here’s another question, when was the last time you print a photo of yourself… Continue Reading >