

Children are our future, understanding and supporting their natural desire for physical activity will help lead them to a lifetime of happiness and healthy living. If we teach them from a young age how to include healthy exercise we would be giving them a gift that they will use throughout their lives.

Amongst all other benefits, here are some benefits of physical activity:

  • Increased confidence
  • More energy
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Improved memory

As there is a rise in technology, we now have children that more inactive as they prefer to play on tablets/computers. Instead, let’s get them outdoors and play.

The long-term health benefits that children can achieve from exercise from a young age include:

  • A stronger immune system
  • Decreased incidence of developing type 2 diabetes and increasing insulin sensitivity
  • Low blood pressure which in turn can improve a child’s cholesterol profile
  • Increased cardiovascular system
  • Less likely to become overweight and will have better control of their body fat as they grow
  • Increased bone structure and muscle structure
  • Decreased anxiety, depression and improves mood.
  • Increased sleep quality.


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