

By Kathy Fray

Obviously, every country has slightly different policies, but the below is a good general overview to know how often both yourself, and your newborn, should be assessed by a maternity health professional during the postpartum, to ensure both yours and your baby’s well-being.

DAYS 1-2-3: Daily face-to-face contact including mother and baby physical assessments, metabolic screening, and breastfeeding support (including ideally a home visit within 24 hours of discharge).

DAY-4: Phone/video check-up.

DAY 5-7: Face-to-face visit, with full mother and baby wellness assessments and support.

DAY 8-9: Phone/video check-up.

DAY 10-14: Face-to-face visit, with full mother and baby wellness assessments and support.

At 3-Weeks: Phone/video check-up.

At 4-5 Weeks: Face-to-face visit, with full mother and baby wellness assessments.


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