

Easter is here and there are a lot of ways to be excited about since it showcases a lot of light and bright colors plus anything that gets to do with eggs and bunnies. Our kids really enjoy getting into the holiday fun and activities especially with Easter.

So, here we have collected the best Easter activities for the kids to do this holiday. You can be imaginative and create your own way to make these games more interesting and entertaining to them.

  1. Treasure Egg Hunt

The kids would enjoy searching for eggs that contain clues to the next egg with another clue until they finally reach the magical treasure. Let their brains work out the clues to put a little effort for them into getting the prize.


  1. Squirt Painting

This will be a little messy as it entails the kids painting using squirt guns filled with different paint colors. I’m sure the paintings will all look like these on the image but it kids would definitely enjoy this one. Just make sure everybody is wearing maybe some clear garbage bags over them to avoid paints on their clothes.


  1. Match and Count Egg Game

This would be an educational activity for those kids learning how to count. They would need to match the broken pieces of eggs together with the same color and with the same number and dot counts. When they finish let them shout out the color of the egg and the number written on it.


  1. Bunny Piñata

What a more enjoyable way for the kids to get their treats by hitting a bunny piñata. Just make sure nobody gets hit by the stick.


  1. Tin Can Bowling

It’s bowling for kids using tin cans decorated with colored paper. This game will help them develop their aim, eye, and muscle coordination plus it’s a kind of exercise.


  1. Easter Egg Surprise

With plastic egg shells, let the kids put some small gifts or treats inside them then that they can swap and exchange with their friends.


  1. Egg Relay Race

If you prefer using eggs, then let the kids balance them on both hands with the egg on a spoon. To make it more challenging, you can also ask them to only use their left hand to hold the spoon. Or maybe a few easy obstacle course along the way to the finish line.


  1. Nature Scavenger Hunt

For a more challenging approach to egg hunting, here is a nature scavenger hunt. This is an outdoor activity that requires the kids to be alert, active thinkers and full of energy. This may also help develop their cooperation to one another and teamwork.


  1. Pin the Tail on the Bunny

This is just a simple game of pin the tail. The players would have their names written on the cutout bunny tail to see how they did in the game.



  1. Matching Sound Game

With 5 different kinds of sounds, like beads, stones, pebbles, and buttons. Place a few of them in the eggshells. Fill out 2 eggshells of the same items. The kids would in turn shake the shells and match the 2 eggs together of the same sound.



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