

Now more than ever, our children need us to be their place of calm, confidence and safe place. Whilst the rest of the world comes to terms with the events as they are unfolding at an alarming rate, we can only have positive influence over what is happening inside our own four walls.  We have a responsibility as adults to ensure that our children understand that they are under no immediate danger, and that their family will be safe during this challenging time.

To reduce the impact of this I really encourage families to do the following:

  • Be relaxed and calm when talking to your kids about the virus. Stick to the facts. Kids think in very black and white terms and they will respond well to information that makes sense to them
  • Try to avoid watching the news or discussing this crisis in front of your kids. Little ears are listening and taking in information that their brains are not set up to be able to process fully.
  • Turn the radio off in the car. Pump the music and keep the energy light and upbeat: same at home.
  • Have a plan in place if you are working from home so that children understand that things will be a bit different for a while. Children respond well if the boundaries are clear and explained to them.
  • Understand that whilst we may end up home schooling at some point, you are not expected to become an experienced educator overnight. Your role, as always, is to be a parent and remain emotionally connected and attuned with your kids and throw in a few activities into the mix
  • Try to use this opportunity as a time to be present and close to your kids. I know it sounds crazy, but we will never(let’s flippin hope so anyway!) get this opportunity again to come together as a family to learn, connect, support and comfort each other. Our kids will learn SO much about human relationships and resilience throughout this time from us

Understand that big changes for kids often bring big feelings and emotions and this can sometimes look and sound like challenging behaviour. We may also experience a ‘honeymoon period’ where kids are calm and stable for the first week or two and then things really start to unravel. The most important thing for our kids is consistency. They need to know what is happening each day at home and most importantly, what is expected from them.

Remember that you are the expert when it comes to your children. There is nobody else on the planet that is connected to them like you are. Their brains are wired to be close to you- you are their entire world and as such, they are going to need you more than ever to be their safe place to land.

Trust in yourself. You have bought your kids this far. You can, and will get them through this, and chances are – under your care they will absolutely thrive.


Chrissie Davies – The Child Charmer

“Creating a whole new generation of emotionally healthy families & classrooms.”





Hailed as ‘The Child Charmer’ Chrissie Davies brings a heart centred approach to all her services.  Chaos to Calm consultancy exists to empower parents to create a whole new generation of emotionally healthy families.

“When we understand WHY our children display challenging behaviors we can confidently make changes that will last.”

Chrissie brings 15+ years experience in Special Education supporting children with wide ranging social and emotional challenges.  She believes that understanding the causes of challenging behaviour is the first step to making lasting change. Working with Chrissie allows parents to view their child’s behaviour through a different lens. Chrissie understands the power of connection and communication and knows that with the right support families can confidently calm the chaos.

“We need to embrace our vulnerability as parents and remove the judgement, guilt and social stigmas that surround parenting”

A mum to two Chrissie understands the unique pressures placed on parents and teachers. Her judgement-free approach, compassionate support and proven strategies work to create a harmonious household for all family members.

To view on YouTube:

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