Positive Mind Works

Positive Mind Works

This month I am presenting you with a book review. Why am I doing this …. basically because it’s a really good read but more than this… the more people that get themselves a copy, either from the library, a friend or your local bookstore… the more our kids will benefit and in the long term create a future that is a little bit rosier than it would be if you didn’t’ read this book. I know it sounds kind of massive, doesn’t it?! And before you ask the question… I benefit in no way at all from sales of this book, I promise.

So what is this book that I talk about? Its called the “The Strength Switch” by Dr Lea Waters. Its advertised as a ‘game-changer’ and I really think it is, otherwise I wouldn’t endorse it as I do. The reader is given a metaphor called the “the strength switch” which presents a different way of responding to our children that will build resilience, optimism and achievement.

Flipping the ‘strength switch’ involves focusing and acknowledging our children’s strengths, and the result, our children spend more time doing what they’re good at and enjoy. Underlying this they develop a set of skills that transfer into every area of their lives. Even areas that are more challenging for them. This means their capacity to overcome challenges is increased across the board, even in areas that are underdeveloped strengths.

Recognising strengths is certainly not new, in fact there is a ton of research out there to support the use of strengths in parenting and education. Waters herself is a researcher and scientist as well as an inspiration to many others. I watched a keynote speech by Dr Waters in Budapest last year at the European Positive Psychology Conference. I was blown away by how well she presents complex but meaningful information and this book is no exception. The methods outlined in this book are not only simple to follow they are also fun for parents.

Strengths based conversations are powerful tools to manage and change problematic behaviours as well as build self esteem, these tools are equally effective for children, teenagers and even adults! In my practice I often help individuals to identify their strengths and learn ways to pivot from these strengths to tackle hardship. Reading and implementing the strategies in this book will set you and your family in a positive direction. Let me know what you think?


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