

Are you feeling overwhelmed, stressed and not “yourself” as you try to conceive?

Have you lost touch with your intention of why you want to become a mum?

The truth about trying to conceive is that it can be a huge mental load to take on.

If your preconception journey is taking longer than expected, this mental load can be even heavier. If you aren’t sharing your mental strain with a partner, a family member, friend or even a health professional, it can become too much to handle at times.

Unfortunately, it’s not always as easy as “relax and it will happen” – which I’m sure you may have heard already. I’m not here to tell you that again.

I’m here to tell you that there are ways to support your mental health in the preconception period (and any other stage of our lives for that matter).

From a holistic point of view – if your mental wellbeing isn’t being supported, other elements of our whole being can begin to crumble as a result. 

Stress Management Techniques

Below is a list of activities for you, some of which you may prefer to do over others. These activities are tools that are ideally used on a daily basis or to come back to in your moments of overwhelm. Each one will allow you to slow down and connect with yourself again – to check in with what’s going on, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

  • Create space for “you time” during the day. The morning is a perfect place to start.
  • Diaphragmatic breathing (belly breathing)
  • Create intentional time to tune into your body
  • Replace social media time with creativity or relaxation time
  • Practice yoga
  • Meditate
  • Visualisation
  • Massage
  • Take a relaxing bath
  • Take a walk in nature
  • Sleep
  • Seek support
  • Acupuncture
  • Journalling
  • Read a chapter of a book

How can you implement these activities into your daily routine? Can you begin your day with some time in nature? And end it with a nurturing, restorative yoga practice and a warm bath? 

Thanks to modern technology, there are now wonderful ways we can support our mental health in the palm of our hands. These beautiful apps are helpful for preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum.

Suggested apps:

The link between stress and fertility

Recent research has found links between a woman’s level of everyday stress and decreased chances of conceiving. For example, a woman whose saliva had high levels of alpha-amylase, an enzyme that marks stress, took 29% longer to get pregnant compared to those who had less.

If you are experiencing chronic levels of stress on a daily basis, it can not only have detrimental effects on our women’s reproductive health by suppressing ovulation but also our gut and immune system. For this reason, it’s essential to implement stress management techniques, like those listed above, in your preconception period.

From a holistic point of view – it is essential that you nourish every element of your being before a new being enters your life.

You owe this to yourself.

To learn more about how to support your health holistically in the preconception period, The Holistic Pregnancy Preparation eBook will provide you with guidance on how to prepare your mind, body and soul for this significant time in your life.


Study: The relationship between stress and infertility