5 ways to stop twins and multiples sharing germs

People often dream of having twins that share everything!  But the one thing you don’t want them to share is germs.   How can you stop them from doing this – particularly when they are prone to taking each other’s dummies!… Continue Reading >

Beach with Twins

Who doesn’t love a day at the beach? Taking your babies to the beach is a great day out. There is a bit of prep that you need to do before hand to ensure that you have a stress free… Continue Reading >

Surviving the Terrible Twos

OH the terrible twos! Everyone tells you about them, they warn you for what is to come and you think, its fine – I’ve got this. Then they hit! It can be a lot more than you bargained for. For… Continue Reading >

Surviving the first few months

So you have had your twins and you are home now. It may have already been an exhausting and stressful time getting to this point, especially if your babies had to spend some time in the SCN or NICU. Now… Continue Reading >

Twins Need their Own Identity

 Having your own identity is very important. Fancy being an identical twin and always being mistaken as your sister or compared to her? I have identical twins who are striving to be their own person, but still want to be… Continue Reading >

Sleeping arrangements for twins or triplets

One of the main concerns many parents have when they take their twins or triplets home is what they should do in regards to the sleeping arrangements of their little ones. Should they go into separate cots? Bassinets? Let them… Continue Reading >

7 reasons why people may fall pregnant with twins or triplets

Are you pregnant and starting to freak out about the thought of having more than one baby in your belly? Or excited about the thought of potentially having more than one baby in your belly? It is definitely a time… Continue Reading >

Fostering individuality in Twins, Triplets and More

Matching outfits, matching haircuts, matching bedrooms. It is hard not to make everything matchy matchy when you have a gorgeous set of twins or triplets. Sometimes it might even seem like you have one child when everything is exactly the… Continue Reading >

Can you successfully cloth nappy with twins (or more)? Yes!

As an expecting parent to twins, you are probably overwhelmed with all the options for the different baby items out there and which ones to choose. Cloth nappies verse disposable nappies have been a hot topic lately and you may… Continue Reading >

How to stop twins and multiples biting each other!

Before I start, let me preface this with it’s not just twins and multiples that bite!!  It’s a stage that a lot of toddlers seem to go through.  But for a lot of multiple birth parents, it’s extremely frustrating when… Continue Reading >