Lemon myrtle oil for treating molluscum contagiosum

I’d never heard of molluscum contagiosum before. That was until my eczema & allergy girl came home from school with these strange pearls like spots. She was not sick with the arrival of this nasty virus. No temperatures, tummy or… Continue Reading >

What’s The Deal With Gut Microbiota?

You may have already heard of gut microbiota from your doctor, dietitian, local chemist, family member, or very likely – the internet. But what’s the deal with gut microbiota? Why all the hype? This is a very hot topic in… Continue Reading >

A good nights sleep? What is this, its been so long I can’t remember?!

There is a plethora of information out there and services targeted at helping babies to sleep better. Why? Because we know it is important for babies to develop a good sleep routine. It is just as important for parents to… Continue Reading >

Welcome Bayside Dietetics to our Kiddipedia Family

When it comes to our own children, their health is always important to us. For them to be healthy and well equipped with their daily activities, proper nutrition is necessary. Here at Kiddipedia, we make sure we have the best… Continue Reading >

Knowing What’s Best: by Dr Simon Kinsella, Clinical Psychologist

Parenting is an amazing experience.  Before you have your own children, it’s hard to imagine just how much joy children will bring to your life. I use to listen to parents carry on about their kids, and think “really, it… Continue Reading >

The importance of me time : Part 2

We all know parents have rigorous and hectic daily schedules. For many parents, the morning is a flurry of activity and it’s not until the 9am school bell sounds that they can stop to catch their breath. While it can… Continue Reading >

The Dangers of “Too Good” Parenting: Dr Simon Kinsella, Clinical Psychologist

There is so much emphasis on best practice parenting that very little time is given talking about how much is enough.  If you read a bit about parenting you’ll come across lots ideas about not letting kids cry, keeping the… Continue Reading >

Introducing Stepfamilies Australia, Kiddipedia’s Family is Growing!

Kiddipedia is definitely growing! We are so pleased to inform you that Stepfamilies Australia is on board. As one of Australia’s fastest growing family types, Stepfamilies Australia is proud to support and strengthen stepfamilies with a range of resources, educational… Continue Reading >

Nanoparticles Explained

In order for nanoparticles in sunscreens to be considered dangerous, they have to first penetrate the skin, then go somewhere they can do significant damage. For now, there is no solid proof this can happen in humans.   How it… Continue Reading >

Child Growth Development with Pets

Many parents have recognized the benefits of growing up with a pet and have experienced the irreplaceable bond children develop with them. Studies and research have shown pets improve social development and help children learn to be responsible, caring and respectful. Australian’s have one… Continue Reading >