Having a baby? You need a Doula!

Due to the dramatic increase in birth trauma, postnatal depression, and the need to navigate hospital systems in our Country, doulas are in high demand. Women in general are saying “enough” and are wanting to take charge of their birth… Continue Reading >

Are Pre-plated Meals Failing your Fussy Eater? | Marie-France Laval | Ep 201

As we all know, a well-balanced meal contains a combination of vegetables, protein and carbohydrates. When encouraging and supporting children who are fussy eaters you can be lucky for them to eat one of these alone, and that could be… Continue Reading >

How Can Nutrition Benefit Postnatal Depression | Lana Hirth | Ep 199

  Is there a link between nutrition and our mood? More importantly, does the food we eat impact our mental health? Well… that’s exactly what we’re here to discuss today. In particular, we’re talking to any new Mum, or a… Continue Reading >

4 Ways To Overcome Postnatal Depression & Anxiety

‘Baby blues’ and feeling like an ‘emotional mess’ after having a baby are common feelings for many new mums. But when you’re constantly feeling snappy, irritable, down and worrying ALL THE TIME, you can’t help but wonder – what’s wrong… Continue Reading >

Smiling After Postnatal Depression | Josephine Smyth | Ep 123

Today we’re doing something a little different, an open discussion with a Mum about her experiences with Post Natal Depression (PND) and the strategies she used in supporting her recovery. This is in the hope it will support parents facing… Continue Reading >

Worried About Being Labelled A Bad Mum For Having PND? There’s No Need! | Heather Lindsay | Ep 112

Once you welcome home the arrival of your newborn there is a process of adjusting to your new life & establishing a new sense of normal. Whilst it is expected that parents will experience exhaustion, sleep-deprivation & general feelings of… Continue Reading >

Postnatal Anxiety – Recognizing it and shifting it

Fiona Rogerson It’s like a nervous energy running through your entire body.  The often relentless, unending worry and concern about everything, anything and nothing.  It doesn’t slow down, and often feels like it’s bigger than you… taking over and leaving… Continue Reading >

Do Dads get postnatal depression?

Fiona Rogerson   Yes.  Dads do experience postnatal depression.  In fact, dads also experience prenatal anxiety and/or depression (anxiety and depression during the period of pregnancy), and postnatal anxiety (after the birth of baby).  Most of us know that depression… Continue Reading >

Smiling after Postnatal Depression

I am proud to be talking about my journey through anxiety and postnatal depression.  It was an incredibly challenging time having experienced it with both of my children, but, after having gone through it, I am now a better, healthier… Continue Reading >


By Waveny Holland, President of Australian Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Association Ltd (AACMA) @AACMA.org.au www.acupuncture.org.au A new baby in the home is both exciting and daunting. Even if well planned, there are many changes and adjustments needed to accommodate that… Continue Reading >