How to overcome fear to pursue your dreams

Tips from an award-winning Australian author Karen Turner discovered a passion for historical fiction after writing for the Financial Services industry for over twenty years. After entering a short story competition that she stumbled upon by chance, she was amazed… Continue Reading >

Spark Courage

At Spark Courage, Anneliese offers personally tailored, confidential health and wellness coaching services.
If you have lost your energy and confidence due to setbacks such as injury, increased pressure or stress, Anneliese will help you find your mojo and support you to create healthy, sustainable habits on your own terms.

Why Kids Lose Their Stuff and Parents Lose Their Mind!

by Dr. Scott Zarcinas   Take a stroll around any primary school or high school and you’ll find lost property boxes crammed with school tops, jackets, hats, calculators, and even socks and shoes. It’s like the story of the Magic… Continue Reading >

Relaxing into Labour with Oxytocin

By Renee Adair   Of all the most rapidly increasing concerns in childbirth today, by far the one that concerns me the most is medical induction. Often this is done as a routine precaution for a variety of reasons or… Continue Reading >

Raising Emotionally Intelligent Kids

It was 4:30 in the afternoon, and I’d taken Mitchell shopping after school. Both he and I were tired, but I knew I needed to pick something up from the store before they closed at 5. I was in a… Continue Reading >

Face Your Fear – Anaphylaxis

Are you terrified of your child having a severe allergic reaction? Does it make you feel really emotional and has the thought of anaphylaxis kept you awake a night? For many parents this is how they feel about anaphylaxis and… Continue Reading >

I wish all new parents were told…

Many new or expecting parents share similar fears and concerns during this time and my hope is to offer some best practice researched advice, strategies and recommendations for families to try, because if there is one thing I have learnt… Continue Reading >

Learning to Trust your Instincts….

Trusting your instincts is a common enquiry, of when to know the gut instinct you have is right and best listened to, versus what a fear is arising in you from an emotional response by something in the media, the… Continue Reading >

What it is to be Human (big humans and kids alike!)

  So researchers have put their heads together and after much debate decided there are 6 primary human emotions… Anger Fear Sadness Surprise Trust Anticipation   Although a quick google search will, of course, provide a wide variety of answers… Continue Reading >

Why I struggle to be a good friend

I used to be a great friend, well I think I was.   Then Anxiety and depression reared its ugly head, I felt like it was downhill from there. My friendships changed when I had my kids, I couldn’t drop… Continue Reading >