Positive Pregnancy Test – What Now?

We recently covered some of the significant steps to consider when planning a pregnancy, so what happens once there are two blue lines on a pregnancy test? It is super important whether you have planned a pregnancy or whether it’s… Continue Reading >

What is the value in Sensory Motor programmes?

Written by Dr Tessa Grigg   In our world of ‘time poor’ parents and there being so many demands on the time we have available, how can parents make decisions about the best way to use this precious commodity? In… Continue Reading >

Preparing For Your First Baby From The Practical To The Great Unknown | Elisabeth Shaw | Ep 126

  The 9 months leading up to the birth of a baby is a time of planning preparation. Depending on how the pregnancy came about & the type of relationship the parents are in, this time can deliver any number… Continue Reading >

Top Tips For New Parents | Elsha Young | Ep 124

Making mistakes as a new parent is normal. Every parent has done it & no-one is an exception. Parenting a newborn in particular is a complex activity that requires skills & knowledge: the more we have the greater we are… Continue Reading >

Decision Fatigue

This is real! And right now with the Covid-19 situation, there are twice as many decisions to be made. Mothers get it. Entrepreneurs get it. If you are both then it’s time to work out strategies that mitigate the fall… Continue Reading >

International Women’s Day 2020: A Letter To My Daughter

08.03.2020 Dearest Daughter, In 2020, the 109th year of recognising the achievements of women on International Women’s Day, I wanted to share with you some life lessons that you can take with you for the rest of your life. As… Continue Reading >

Keeping Mentally Fit

I absolutely love Yoga, not that I’m particularly good at it but since Year 11 in high school I’ve practiced it in different class settings for various periods of time. I always knew I wanted to try a pre-natal yoga… Continue Reading >

Different strokes for different folks- parenting is no different.

As adults, we often talk to each other about our kids and our own parenting decisions. Some parents overshare, while a few may withdraw. Some may look to each other for advice and sometimes, for validation. Without realising it, we… Continue Reading >

Setting up a Nursery for Twins and Multiples

  Congratulations!  Not only are you expecting a baby – you are expecting more than one baby!!! It is perfectly normal to take a while to get over the shock of finding out you are expecting twins or multiples.  Before… Continue Reading >

No Judgements Needed

I took my 2 boys to the beach yesterday about an hour away, and just wanted to move there as it was so tranquil… escape the reality of city life… ahhhh! Who else does this when they go somewhere nice?… Continue Reading >