Thrive Life Coaching

Thrive Life Coaching

Are you stressed?  

Do you feel like you’re drowning under the never-ending demands of life?  

Do you feel like you’re stretched so thin that you can’t do anything well?

 And what about doing something just for fun?  Forget about it. 

If any of these resonate with you, you’re not alone.  

Millions of people, especially educators, experience these feelings regularly.  Unfortunately, this has led to the current crisis of educator burnout as well as a shortage of teachers in the classroom. 

So what’s to be done about it?

Other than a total overhaul of the education system and a massive pay increase, what can be done to help you stop spiralling out of control and take back your life and your joy?

Well, it starts with identifying your core values.  What is truly important to you?  

This might seem like an easy question to answer for some and a really difficult one for others. To get you started thinking about it, I invite you to think practically about things like:

  • What you spend most of your time doing.
  • What you want to spend more of your time doing.
  • Who you spend your time with.
  • Who you want to spend more time with.
  • And so on…

These questions will help you get started thinking about if the way you’re living your life is the way that you’re actually wanting to live your life.  

And if you need more support with figuring out your core values?  I’m happy to share a valuable resource that will help you with this.  It’s free and you can gain instant access simply by clicking here.  Because here’s the thing: When we are living life in a way that’s out of alignment with our values we experience more stress and overall unhappiness. But, when we know our core values and intentionally align our life with them, we will experience more balance, peace, and joy even when our external circumstances may not change.  

So what do you say?  Are you ready to try something new and start living a joyful life again?  Download the free worksheet today, and if you need more support I’d love to chat with you! I invite you to schedule a call with me so I can support you on the journey to living your best life.  

Here’s to living a life in alignment with what’s most important to you so you can reclaim your joy and start thriving again!