Sport is a fun and important part of the school curriculum. Making sure kids have the right equipment can improve their enjoyment and keep them comfortable particularly in the hot months early in the school year. So we have compiled the list of important items and explained their necessity in supporting your little athletes.
Footwear is the most important item to consider as kids need the right runners to support their growing bones and muscles while they are active. Teaching kids the importance of their footwear for sport from an early age will help prevent injury and allow them to perform at their best. Support in the heel region of the shoe and good cushioning in the sole will reduce impact as they run, jump, skip and hop during sport. Support in the heel region will reduce excessive ankle motion and decrease the risk for rolled ankles.
Hydration is essential, particularly when they are playing sport in summer, so always make sure they have a good drink bottle on hand. Our thirst mechanism can be quite slow so it is important to teach kids the importance of drinking water. Once we are thirsty we are already in the early stages of dehydration, so prevent issues by encouraging them to take regular sips of water during sport.
Thermoregulation is more challenging for kids as they have a smaller surface area of skin to allow sweating and cooling in hot environments. There are a few things we can do to help prevent issues such as ensuring they are wearing light fabrics and colours in warm conditions. Dark colours absorb heat and reduce our ability to dissipate it naturally. It’s also important to let them take regular drink breaks in warm conditions. There are also some fabulous drink bottles that produce a light mist when squeezed which is another great option for cooling as spraying mist on the face will help dissipate heat.
Socks are another easy way to keep kids comfortable during sport. Little feet get sweaty so cotton socks will help prevent blisters and keep them moving. The importance of good socks for sports and activities is often under estimated, but they can make a huge different to your comfort levels and performance. Make sure that socks are not too loose or they can slip down into shoes and quickly cause discomfort and blisters.
Hats should be required as part of the school uniform but are of particular importance when they are doing sport outdoors in summer. If their school hat is dark coloured and heavy fabric check with the school if they are allowed to wear a lighter fabric hat for sport. It will help protect them from the sun but a lighter option will also reduce heat build-up as we dissipate quite a lot of heat naturally out through the scalp.
So the essential items in the lead up to the school year include:
- New runners
- Drink bottle
- Light colours and fabrics for sport
- Socks
- Hat
These items will help your child enjoy their school sporting experiences and encourage them to be active and healthy. School sport should be FUN so help them get the most out of their sport by setting them up with the right gear.
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