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South West Wellbeing Centre

South West Wellbeing Centre

Jay is a AHPRA Psychologist and Registered Supervisor, ACA Counsellor and APPTA Registered Play Therapist and Supervisor. She practices in southwest Western Australia at the Southwest Wellbeing Centre. Jay has worked in the Human Services field for about 20 years, of which the last 10 years have involved therapeutic work. Jay's passion is "Making a difference" and she works with adults as well as children. She is a client-centred, strengths-based practitioner who uses a range of techniques, depending on your personal situation.

You will find Jay at



What parents really want to know – 3 tips for improving your child’s behaviour.

Over the years, I have heard and seen many parents share their difficulties, concerns and challenges.  The biggest concerns are often around children and their emotions.  This often looks like tantrums, “losing it” and “meltdowns”.  Sometimes, this situation is related… Continue Reading >

Happier Holidays

Jay Anderson Holiday time can be tricky for many families. It’s the end of the year – children are exhausted, parents are busy. Spending time together can be a challenge, particularly if things are not going well. So many times,… Continue Reading >

Looking back, flooring forward

This last 12 months has been a different year on so many levels. It could be easy to get stuck in the disaster and the drama, worried about the past, the present or the future……Sure, there have been many changes… Continue Reading >

Taking care of YOU? 

Jay Anderson Having a baby??  or recently had a baby? Whether its your first child or a new addition to the family……..Its been an interesting few months I am sure!!  Body changes. Planning and preparing. Looking forward to the birth… Continue Reading >

Change and Changes! 

By Jay Anderson   This year is becoming quite different.  There are things that have changed, and things that are yet changing.  We are in the middle of a season – for those of us in Australia – its the… Continue Reading >

A New Focus – Joyful June?!  

By Jay Anderson The year is zooming past us and now we have a change of season. For those of us in Australia – its the start of winter.  This can be a time of challenges for many people –… Continue Reading >

Looking after YOU?

Jay Anderson Its been a tricky few months. Lots of changes. Too much in the news. What’s happening here? Or there? Who really do you believe??  The tv, the newspaper? The internet? Or Facebook? Your friends?? what is the latest?… Continue Reading >

Is home schooling driving you nuts?

Suddenly found yourself stuck at home with the kids?  All over our country, School has been shut down by the Government, and there are so many changes in our world.  Staying home can be a challenge for many people –… Continue Reading >

Understanding your child’s emotions

by Jay Anderson   Emotions can be tricky…….sometimes even adults can’t manage their emotions!! Upset, angry, Annoyed, happy, hurt, frustrated, sad, nervous, scared, excited…….so many different feelings. So many situations, and as humans – we all respond differently.   Children… Continue Reading >

In each others pockets?

by Jay Anderson Spending time together is great – right? So many things we can do. For some families, being together is fun and enjoyable – for other families, it is stressful, distressing, boring or even conflictual. For some –… Continue Reading >

Happy Parents… Happier Kids…

by Jay Anderson So its Valentines Day and whats the point? Right?  You don’t have time, or the  $$ or the energy and enthusiasm.  Parenting can be a challenges, and so can relationships. But did you know they are intertwined,… Continue Reading >

What parents need to know.

by Jay Anderson Parenting can be tricky! Non-one gets taught much about it at all. Most people learn by experience, by observation and by trial and error.  In fact, most people will parent how they were parented, unless they have… Continue Reading >

Understanding Resilience

Resilience is a complex concept, yet it is often a tangible goal for parents when they think of their hopes and dreams for their child.  Everyone would love for their child to be “resilient”, but what does it really mean. … Continue Reading >

Tips to Improve your Confidence

People are different – We are all individuals, with different personalities, different experiences, different lives and……different bodies. Surprise!? That may not be a surprise to you…….but for many people, being confident can be a big challenge and can impact significantly… Continue Reading >

Some Tips for Mums……

1. Have some daily routines – Some mums find it helpful to have a checklist of what you need to do.  Others prepare the key things the night before…..  Getting out the school clothes, or making lunch early – its the small things… Continue Reading >

The Separation Challenge

Life can be great. And love can be fantastic. But when things don’t work out…….it can be challenge. Especially if children are involved.  Things can be complex, complicated or amiable and smooth. There are many factors involved, and often there… Continue Reading >

You and your Dog

Mrs Jay Anderson   Dogs. Lots of people have a dog, or grew up with a dog.  Some couples get a dog, so they may say….to practice to caring for a child. Others get a dog for their child. Perhaps… Continue Reading >

Considering The Whole Family

Life is about being in relationship: with family, with children, with partner, with neighbours, with friends or with fellow workers. All of our interactions involve using our senses, communicating and reciprocating.  From the tiny baby and its parents, to the… Continue Reading >

Mum’s Mindset ….What’s on your mind?

Many people don’t realise the impact of what’s on their mind……  How significant are your thoughts?  Do you realise that what you think about is likely to affect your mood, your daily functioning, your sleep, your relationships? Our “mindset” is… Continue Reading >

Life challenges ….in Relationships……with a focus on the family

Some parents have challenges with their children. And, to tell the truth, some children have challenges with their parents. That’s tricky. We’ve heard the phrase….” You can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family”. It works both ways…. Continue Reading >

What DO children REALLY need?

by Jay Anderson   Such a simple question.  But, think about it for a while.  Where to start?  Perhaps the answer is simple.  Maybe.  Perhaps it is complex.  A comprehensive and detailed set of components, significant….what do you think? Ok,… Continue Reading >

Where did I put my magic wand?

Helping parents with their family challenges. A Psychologist’s Perspective Life can be challenging, and many parents find that out early on: a crying baby, lack of sleep, toddler tantrums, your child is bullied, teenage dramas, kids not listening? For the… Continue Reading >



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