

This Vietnamese Beef Pho is a healthy and nourishing dish that is packed with flavour as well as vitamins and minerals. For the uninitiated, a pho is a delicious broth served with a selection of fragrant garnishes such as fresh herbs, chilli and lime. Fresh coriander, Thai basil and mint often garnish a pho, along with a wedge of fresh lime, spring onions or chillies. You can also add fish sauce, hot sauce or soy and the result is an individual blend of strong, aromatic flavours from your broth. It can be served with rice noodles, or you can enjoy it with low carb alternatives such as courgette.



PREP 5-10 MIN | COOK 20-25 MIN 



150ml beef stock 

120g sirloin steak 

5 chestnut mushrooms 

50g medium dried rice noodles 

50g beansprouts 

1 cinnamon stick 

1 spring onion 

1⁄2 red chilli pepper 

1 lime 

1 garlic clove, minced 

1⁄2 tsp coriander seeds 

1 tsp soy sauce 

1⁄2 tsp ginger 


In a heated pan, dry roast the cinnamon stick, coriander seeds and ginger.

Add the garlic and soy sauce and pour over the beef stock.

Reduce the heat to a simmer, and cook for 15 minutes.

Strain out the dried spices and place the broth back into a pan.

Add the mushrooms and cook for 2 minutes.

Add the noodles and cook for a further 2 minutes, stirring constantly.

Finely slice the steak into very thin strips and add to the broth, along with the beansprouts.

Leave the broth on the hob for 1 minute, to cook the beef, and then pour into a bowl.

Top the broth with fresh coriander, sliced red chilli, spring onion and lime.

Serve topped with hot sauce and fresh lime.


Recipe from The Ultimate Performance Cookbook


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