Back to School Guide – Checklist for all Stages

Starting big school is exciting and a huge milestone in a kid’s life, and also for the parents. Some things that might be different are a bigger school, having to wear a school uniform, new teachers, new kids, and not… Continue Reading >

After-School Safety: Tips for Parents

Prepping for a busy school day can get pretty hectic for any parent, especially if you have more than three kids. In the early morning rush, it’s easy to forget about some school safety preparations that will ensure your family… Continue Reading >

5 Back to School Tips from a Psychologist

As summer ends and we begin preparing our kids to head back to school it can be a testing and stressful time – for kids and adults alike. They can experience a big mix of feelings, from excitement, to concern,… Continue Reading >

Preparing your kids for school after Christmas fun and festivities

The key to getting kids ready for school after the Christmas festivities is to ease them into it well before they are due to start. The following tips will help you along this process. 1. Get them back into a sleep schedule. 2. Get back into a routine. 3. Limit screen time. 4. Talk about new school year anxiety.

Transforming Bodies and Minds – Your house as the playground

Dr Jane Williams and Dr Tessa Grigg In the past few years there have been lots of media articles warning us about the escalating numbers of children who are inactive, overweight and risk long-term health problems. Furthermore, children who are… Continue Reading >

Online Activities that will Keep the Kids Entertained

With school holidays in full swing and some cities in lockdown, many parents among us will be looking for ways to keep the children entertained at home. Thanks to ever-evolving technology, we are blessed to have numerous online and educational… Continue Reading >

Tips to Combat Loneliness as a Mum

Being a SAHM (Stay at Home Mum) mum is great but has its downside, and that is loneliness and the feeling of isolation. Before kids, I was always around people. I worked, socialised, got invited out and due to being… Continue Reading >

The benefits of sending your child to childcare

By Dr Kaylene Henderson   The decision about whether to send your child to childcare is often accompanied by a wave of mixed emotions – nervousness, relief and that all-familiar guilt, just to name a few. After all, you’re planning… Continue Reading >

How to raise financially savvy kids

By Lacey Filipich Teaching your children about money is a parent responsibility, for two reasons: We don’t do it well in school. For the record, it’s been explicitly in the Australian curriculum from Years 1 to 10 since 2011, so… Continue Reading >

Learning Difficulties in Primary School

Leanne Tran   Children can have difficulties learning at school for a range of different reasons. There is a wide range of normal learning and some children take longer to get there, but are still a learning within normal expectations…. Continue Reading >