How the contraceptive pill affects your fertility

You decided you were ready for a baby, so you stopped taking the pill. You thought it would be easy to fall pregnant. But you weren’t prepared for having to wait for months, with still no success conceiving. Your cycle… Continue Reading >

What is a Doula and what are the benefits of hiring one?

Traditionally, a Doula was a woman offering non-medical support and information to other women and their partners during birth and the postnatal period. ‘Doula‘ is a Greek word that came to mean “woman’s servant”. I believe that a Doula is a support and information bank… Continue Reading >

Why eggs are no longer the devil!

There are lots of people out there with an opinion on how to introduce solids to your baby. Well-meaning grandmas, celebrity chefs, the random lady down the street. You name it, they have a great plan for what you should… Continue Reading >

3 Ways to Avert Bullying

What social psychology can teach us about how to deal with bullying. We all have days when people are not particularly nice to us but bullying is a whole new level of mean that can leave people feeling completely disempowered…. Continue Reading >

True or false? Your pregnancy diet can affect your baby’s health for years to come

The short answer? True! And it makes sense – almost everything your baby needs to grow and develop is provided by you. Nutrients that power your body are extracted from food and carried through the placenta into your baby’s bloodstream…. Continue Reading >

Eosinophilic Oesophagitis – From diagnosis to diet

If you thought having one or two food allergies was hard enough, try having to avoid four, six or even eight types of ingredients. In light of the National Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders awareness week that runs in August each year, we… Continue Reading >

What is a Doula?

By Renee Adair A doula, or birth attendant, is usually a woman, who offers non-medical support and information to parents in pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period. ‘Doula’ is a Greek word that has come to mean, “to serve”. There… Continue Reading >

Dr Sam Elliot Top 5 Tips to get the most out of Children’s Sport

As the official partner of the Football Federation of Australia’s (FFA) ALDI MiniRoos program, we want to encourage kids to be healthy and active. While exercise and nutritious food is a part of this, there is another key element to… Continue Reading >

We welcome to the Kiddi-Community, Amie from Soundsations!

As a parent, you are your child’ first and longest-serving teacher.  Family creates the environments and experiences in which learning happens, which makes parents a child’s first and best teacher throughout their life. Did you know that 90-95% of brain… Continue Reading >

NAMASTE for a great cause! Australia’s largest simultaneous kid’s yoga class is coming to help support children who are victims of family violence! Will you be part of it?

I’m literally bursting at the seams to tell you about this exciting event that Little Rockers Radio is running. As with all of our events, we make them fun and interactive, so all the kiddies can be involved. The cause… Continue Reading >