Mums are renowned for multi-tasking and for putting others first – whether it be the family, work or other commitments. But you know what happens when we’re constantly trying to multitask? Our self-care drops off. While self-care may not seem… Continue Reading >
By Endeavour College Mental Health Instructor, Nutritionist, Mum and Eating Disorder Advocate Lexi Crouch who designed a short course on mental wellness for Endeavour Short Courses Life changes when you become a mum. All of a sudden there is… Continue Reading >
As a busy mum, how do you keep yourself motivated to exercise when we have other priorities like household chores, work, and taking care of children? Well, I am here to share some tips on how to fit exercise into… Continue Reading >
Studying is a demanding undertaking in itself, and when you add the responsibilities of motherhood to the equation, time becomes an even more precious commodity. Balancing the roles of a student and a mother can seem impossible, but it becomes… Continue Reading >
As we all know, a well-balanced meal contains a combination of vegetables, protein and carbohydrates. When encouraging and supporting children who are fussy eaters you can be lucky for them to eat one of these alone, and that could be… Continue Reading >
Is there a link between nutrition and our mood? More importantly, does the food we eat impact our mental health? Well… that’s exactly what we’re here to discuss today. In particular, we’re talking to any new Mum, or a… Continue Reading >
By Sally Kellett For many of us, the term ‘mindfulness’ conjures images of fluffy pillows, scented candles, and a group of people sitting cross-legged and chanting ‘ommm’. However, most mums simply don’t have the time for this type of practice… Continue Reading >
1. Have some daily routines – Some mums find it helpful to have a checklist of what you need to do. Others prepare the key things the night before….. Getting out the school clothes, or making lunch early – its the small things… Continue Reading >
There is a lot of opinions out there about stay at home mums. Lately, I’ve seen a lot of things on social media about stay at home mums, about how they don’t do anything except sit around all day and… Continue Reading >
Hey Dads, gather around, I’ve got a little secret to tell you. It’s a secret that for some reason society and if I’m honest sometimes even us Mum’s, often keep from you. Here’s the truth; you are totally capable and… Continue Reading >
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