Mums are renowned for multi-tasking and for putting others first – whether it be the family, work or other commitments. But you know what happens when we’re constantly trying to multitask? Our self-care drops off.
While self-care may not seem like the biggest priority, I can assure you that by putting your own self first will fuel you with the energy you need to be the best mother, partner, colleague, friend and just person in general. When we look after ourselves and prioritise our own self-care, everyone benefits! The vibe around the house is happier, mum is chirpier, there’s less disagreements. As the old saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup!
So this Mother’s Day, we reckon it’s time to put self-care on the agenda, and what’s better is that you can get the whole family involved!
We’ve put together our 5 favourite ideas of things you can do this Mother’s Day to prioritise YOU, and get your fam involved too….
- Create a movie theatre at home. Close the curtains and set up the couches as though you’re going to the cinemas. Get the kids involved by asking them to make fake ‘movie tickets’ and cook you some popcorn. Taking a moment to relax and watch a movie allows you to sink into the couch as the worries of the world melt away.
- Ask the kids (or maybe your partner) to make a fun playlist so that the whole family can have a fun dance party at night! There is nothing better for the soul than a good dance-off with the family!
- Set aside some time for an ‘at home retreat’. The kids can make you a DIY facemask (all you need is avocado, oats and honey!), hubby can pour you a big cup of tea and run you a bath, and maybe if you’re lucky someone will offer you a massage! Or you could even hint at someone to buy you a ‘Retreat Yourself Box’ – which is an at home ‘retreat in a box’ filled with all Australian health & wellness goodies. It even comes with a ‘retreat plan’ telling you exactly what you need to do to create your retreat at home!
- Write down all of your favourite recipes (that the kids or hubby knows how to cook) and ask the kids if they’d be happy to play ‘restaurants’ for the evening and serve dinner to you at the dining room table. Light a candle, pour a glass of red and pretend you’re out for dinner!
- For the family that lives away, set up a time to do a Zoom call with the whole family. Pour yourself a cup of vino and enjoy some family e-time.
Self-care doesn’t have to be complex, it really just involves taking some time out for you, and you can absolutely do it by getting everyone in the house involved.
The more you take care of YOU, the better mother you’ll be too.
Kate is a Certified Personal Trainer and Health Coach, and the founder of Retreat Yourself, Australia’s seasonal ‘health retreat in a box’. Retreat Yourself strives to help Australian’s prioritise their health and happiness, by providing them with a seasonal box of all Australian health goodies – helping them to find a sense of retreat in their every day. You can find out more about Retreat Yourself at
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