What would you include on a pre-pregnancy checklist?

Every pre-pregnancy checklist will always include pre-natal vitamins, a GP check up and maybe even a dental check up… But what very few of them include (in fact I would go so far as to say none of them!) is… Continue Reading >

Three Essential Steps to Enhance Your Ability to Conceive 

Your ability to conceive is influenced by a complex interaction between physical, psychological and emotional factors. The body/mind connection is essential to take into consideration when looking to enhance your ability to conceive a baby. It takes a lot of… Continue Reading >

Stress Can Influence Fertility

Stress alone does not cause infertility, however, there is a link between stress and lowered chances of pregnancy. It appears your body knows that stressful times are not a good time to have a baby. Recent studies have confirmed links… Continue Reading >

Is it safe to exercise while I’m trying to fall pregnant?

Whether it’s a well-meaning Aunt warning us not to lift anything too heavy, or an online fitness guru barbell squatting with a giant pregnant belly, there is so much conflicting information available about whether exercise is safe to do whilst… Continue Reading >

Trying to conceive over 35? Here’s how optimising your diet can help

It is becoming increasingly popular for women to wait until later in life to have kids. While women obviously do this for their own personal reasons, unfortunately our ‘biological clock’ is ticking. And while we can’t change the quantity of… Continue Reading >

Why is the Preconception Period Important?

Are you planning on trying for a baby soon and want to be the healthiest version of yourself but don’t know where to start? The preconception period is a critical stage for the development process of the baby. Not only… Continue Reading >

When to seek help with fertility?

This varies a little bit based on age. For women under 35, if you have been trying to conceive for a year and have not become pregnant, then I advise seeking help. Usually around 80-90% of women under the age… Continue Reading >

Improving your fertility after the pill

So you decided you’re going to have a baby. You stopped taking the pill (or other hormonal contraceptive) so it shouldn’t be long until you fall pregnant! Except – you’ve been trying for months already, and you’re still not pregnant…. Continue Reading >

What You Need To Know If You’re Trying To Conceive

You’ve been trying to conceive for months now, but you’re still waiting for that elusive positive pregnancy test. You thought it would be easy to fall pregnant, you never dreamed it would take this long! Before you rush to the… Continue Reading >

What Is Preconception Care & Why Is It Important?

You’ve been trying to conceive for so long but you’re still not pregnant. Every month you get your hopes up – your period doesn’t start straight away when your fertility app says it should. So you use a pregnancy test… Continue Reading >