

With good intentions to embrace healthy activities to do with your kids, it’s easy to run out of time, motivation and energy to follow through. You’re not alone. Today’s pressures are real and getting started on positive change, or maintaining good habits can sometimes be a real challenge.

An easy way to do it, is to start with a short stint.

Commit to just one single weekend. You will find that it can provide overdue family fun but also be really rewarding. All you need is to make a simple two day plan jam packed with fun fitness, blissful relaxation, laughter and delicious, good, real food. You have probably read volumes of amazing tips, tricks and ideas on blogs, articles and workshops you have done, so this is the perfect time to put all of this expert advice to good use! No need to research anything new, just jump on in!  It’s really important to allow lots of flexibility. Don’t be afraid to add plenty of options for choice, but accept that the plan can change and you may not actually get all of the activities done. Hey! This is not bootcamp. It’s a simple, cool way to connect with your kids and enjoy a weekend wholistic fitness and health retreat, without having to travel. Besides, it’s a great opportunity to be grateful and make the most of the beautiful surroundings of your own town.  Hit the cruisy local markets for wholesome food, the sparkling beach that you have been too busy to visit for way too long, or just get hiking.  Whatever, as long as it is easy.

4 Simple Steps. Your Wholistic Health and Fitness Weekend Plan:

  • Move for Fun. Dust off the bikes or scooters.Grab those hiking shoes from the back of the wardrobe.  Start the day with a playful run on the beach. Playing ‘tips’ brings a strong element of connection between you all. Whatever your chosen activity, it will provide a perfect foundation to get your fitness needs covered.
  • Inside Out. Having a good balance of indoor activities at home and in nature makes for a full weekend. You can finally get that all important home time, to get centred. A good tai-chi or stretching session in your own lounge room, backyard or balcony can do wonders for those families who leave home at first light and get home in the dark.
  • Really Relax. With such a strong message in the media about fitness and the shallow one dimensional ideas of ‘’body beautiful’’, it’s easy to forget how proper regular deep relaxation is equally important if you are trying to achieve wholistic health. The importance of relaxation is huge. Lower your blood pressure, stress levels and in turn improve heart health, mental health and general emotional wellbeing. Kids love sensory experiences and will quite happily doze off for a much needed nap when their body is encouraged to get in touch with their minds and emotions. Lay out a picnic rug in the sunshine and offer your wire head massager, an aromatherapy massage oil or a glitter shaker stick to really get into the relaxation zone.
  • Eat it all! Prepare all your favourite wholesome and tasty dishes over this weekend. Finally try out those amazing recipes you and your kids ripped out of magazines and stuck on the fridge. Get grubby and make a morning of it!

Another option is to treat your family to a healthy holiday style weekend. Make an adventure of it and dine out at your town’s most popular funky health food and wholefood cafes. You can feel confident to let loose on ordering mains and deserts…whatever you and your kids’ hearts desire (with the added bonus of no washing dishes!).

The proven most effective way to support and teach kids how to grow into healthy, and independently positive adults is through simply modelling these good habits.

It’s so easy that it only takes an occasional weekend if daily practices are just not possible. The great results are inevitable! Kids will have memories of good times with their family etched into their hearts forever more.  Happiness is togetherness, connection and wholeness. Enjoy!


Race Redomra is the author of “Fit and Chilled Out- the alternative fitness culture”.

She spent many years as a wholistic personal trainer and working with kids with complex needs.

Her parenting choice was to raise kids who needed a second chance at life.

Health, healing and happiness have been the core of her daughters’ lives.

Race teaches that family well-being starts with healthy parents. She provides support consultations by appointment.