In today’s times, children do not know what it is to simply sit, have a look around and enjoy the ambiance or even smile and have a chat with a neighbor. This is so because, in such life situations, their heads are deep down in their smart phones or tablets. We are bringing up a generation whose head is, literally, always held low because of these gadgets. This is such a deplorable state, right? We cannot sit back and let this go on.
Extensive surveys reveal that children spend an average of more than seven hours a day looking at screens. Experts recommend parents to limit screen time for kids to a maximum of just two hours per day. For children less than 5 years, the recommended limit is one hour per day.
And many a times, we parents are to be blamed for getting kids addicted to phones right from a young age. When a kid is having food, needs to be distracted or is throwing a tantrum, we hand him/her phone and that’s the beginning of an unbreakable and unhealthy association.
Excessive screen time and over-dependence on electronic gadgets is posing psychological and physical challenges to many. This scenario has become graver during the pandemic phase and the habit has stuck since then. The effect of over-use of technology is more pronounced and long-lasting in the case of kids. Children’s brain is at different stages of development, and as a result, such influence leaves greater impression. The excessive dependence on electronic devices can lead to many physical and mental illnesses like neck pain, back pain, eyesight issues, insomnia, depression etc.
Since kids are spending huge amount of time with technology, their lifestyle has become largely sedentary. While options for outdoor playing activities were relatively lesser during the last 20 months, kids began distancing themselves from indoor activities too. The only activity was that of scrolling and clicking using a gadget. This has led to lockdown-induced obesity among many children.
When children are exposed to technology at high rates, their brain may adopt a skewed approach to thinking. Children develop issues in focusing and concentrating. Their attention spans become lesser and lesser. This affects studies and all academic activities. The interpersonal communication skills of children are also affected as they hate to come out of the gadget and engage with real people. For young children, the time devoted to play, peer interaction and exploration is now usurped by technology. Research has proved that mobile phone use may prevent children from developing empathy, social and problem-solving skills.
When a kid is presented with phone as a distraction or relaxation tool, it affects their ability to come to terms with a situation and get over it on their own. This can lead to many emotional issues later on. Several studies have also revealed that kids who spend a lot of time playing video games develop a heightened level of aggression in their behavior.
So, parents need to take a pro-active effort to bring children out of the vicious cycle of technology. I know it is easier said than done. It cannot be achieved in one stroke. It takes concerted and persistent effort from parents and family members.
The first step is to explain to kids why we have to limit screen time. Their compliance can be accomplished only if we make them understand the hazardous effects of technology. For this, parents need to educate themselves regarding the same. They need to understand the technology and its negative influence. Explain in an age-appropriate manner and let the kids know that the family is in this together. Seek the help of any expert, if needed, to explain the downsides of excessive screen time. When we take away electronic gadgets as a way of punishment, it will not have the desired result.
Do not cut off kids from gadgets all on a sudden. Apply a phased approach. Meanwhile encourage them to engage in other activities. Parents can get involved with kids in these activities as well. Children will see that they can have real fun with real people and they need not depend on a device for entertainment.
A very significant factor in detaching children from gadgets is setting an example. Parents need to be role models of screen use for their kids. Advising the kids against using phone and holding onto the same throughout the day cannot be justified.
You can set a time for the children to use gadgets. By this way, they will know how much time they are using the technology and it is easy to control the use. This can be made applicable to the whole family. For instance, the whole family could set aside their mobile phones or laptops before bedtime and spend time interacting.
You can also set areas in home where gadgets are not allowed. For instance, do not allow kids to have gadgets with them while they are having food or during family time.
Even when we allow children to have screen time, we can make sure that they are not exposed to explicit content. We can block unnecessary content by setting parental controls. There are apps in smart phones which help to filter contents. Keep the passwords for children’s social media and online accounts with you.
While making children aware of the negative aspects of technology, we cannot keep them completely away from it. Technology will play a big part in their lives. Since technology and electronic gadgets are easily accessible to this generation, encouraging its judicious use and application needs great effort from the parents. Parents need to be alert while allowing kids to have access to technology and internet. If put to the best use, internet can be a boon. Let’s help kids to discover the positive aspects of technology.