Karen Denwood Physiotherapy

Karen Denwood Physiotherapy

Pregnancy is a time of great change for a woman’s body, and it’s important to see a Women’s Health Physiotherapist to help manage the physical changes that occur during this time.

Women’s health physiotherapy is a specialised area of physiotherapy that focuses on the assessment and treatment of conditions related to the female body. Here are just some of the reasons why it’s important for pregnant women to see a Women’s Health Physiotherapist.

  1. To manage pregnancy-related pain:

As the body changes during pregnancy, women may experience a variety of aches and pains such as; lower back pain, pelvic girdle pain, hip and sciatic pain as well as conditions associated with fluid retention / swelling e.g. carpal tunnel. A Women’s Health Physio can help to manage these pains with targeted exercises, pregnancy specific massage, manual therapy, activity / exercise modification, education and advice to reduce discomfort and maintain function. A Women’s Health Physio is also very well placed to recommend products and garments such as pelvic belts, compression wear etc when deemed appropriate in the management of pregnancy related pain.

  1. To Prepare for labour and delivery:

Labour and delivery can be a physically demanding process, and it’s important to prepare the body for this event. A Women’s Health Physio can provide pain management strategies that can be used during labour to enable you to remain mobile for as long as possible. They can also provide exercises during pregnancy to strengthen the pelvic floor followed by pelvic floor relaxation exercises as the time for delivery approaches. Advice on positions for delivery, breathing techniques, exercises to help prepare your pelvis and early post-natal recovery strategies are essentials that can offer significant help during the process.

  1. To Prevent Incontinence:

Pregnancy can take its toll on the pelvic floor muscles which can lead to incontinence issues during pregnancy and after delivery. A Women’s Heath Physio can teach women exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles throughout pregnancy to assist with the increasing load that pregnancy brings. Pelvic floor muscle strength training in pregnancy has been shown to be successful in reducing the risk of incontinence pre and post-natal.

  1. To Address Diastasis Recti:

Diastasis Recti is a condition where the abdominal wall stretches progressively through pregnancy. It is understandable that the deep underlying tissue between the muscles will become wider and thinner under the increasing size and load of baby. This can lead to weakness through the abdominal muscles and core system. A Women’s Health Physio can assess and monitor diastasis through pregnancy and provide exercises that help maintain core strength and reduce the severity of diastasis.

  1. For Overall Health:

Seeing A Women’s Health Physio can help women maintain their overall health during pregnancy. They can provide advice on posture, exercise, maintaining activities of daily living, sleeping positions and ways to ease / prevent aches and pains.

In conclusion, seeing A Women’s Health Physio during pregnancy can help manage pain, prepare for labour and delivery, prevent incontinence, address diastasis recti and maintain overall health. It is important for pregnant women to prioritise their physical health and seek out specialised care when needed.