

My name is Natasha Hogan and I would like to share my story of becoming a mother as it truly is an extraordinary and transformative experience! I struggled in my journey to conceive and needed to utilise IVF, but once finally pregnant it wasn’t all the celebration I thought it would be – responsibility kicked straight away before even graduating from my IVF clinic to Obestrics care. I was brimming with joy & excitement at times and then other times sheer fear.

As you eagerly await the arrival of your newborn, it’s essential to take proactive steps to prepare yourself for the journey ahead. I have lived experience that healing from past traumas and being open to re-create your identity are the two important aspects for your new relationship with your precious gift as life is totally different from anything you have ever experienced before and your new role as a mum you need to be able to offer yourself wholly to your baby.

Knowledge builds capacity. Take advantage of the abundance of resources available to learn about your next new and exciting relationship which requires new knowledge about newborn care, breastfeeding, sleep patterns, and developmental milestones. Attend prenatal classes, and podcasts, consult reliable websites, and seek advice from experienced parents. Gaining insights into the various aspects of caring for a newborn will boost your confidence and help you make informed decisions.

Building a strong support system to lean on during the early stages of motherhood is hugely beneficial also. Especially with those who have had a similar journey as yours (previously infertility and pregnancy after infertility mums). Mums, family and friends in your local area, and healthcare professionals. Join parenting groups, both online and offline, where you can connect with other mothers and share experiences. A supportive network can offer emotional support during the ups and downs, practical advice and encouragement.

Make your home safe and conducive for your newborn’s arrival. Set up a nursery or a designated area with essential items such as a crib, changing table, diapers, baby clothes, and feeding supplies. Organize baby essentials in a way that facilitates easy access and ensures a stress-free environment for both you and your newborn. Snacks for mum is also very helpful to make sure you are never hungry or angry.

Lastly, remember that taking care of yourself is crucial for your well-being and ability to care for your baby. Prioritize self-care activities, such as getting adequate rest, maintaining a balanced diet, and engaging in gentle exercise. Accept help from others when offered, and don’t hesitate to delegate tasks that are not your immediate responsibility. By nurturing yourself, you will be better equipped to provide the love and attention your newborn needs. If you can’t do this after some time into your new relationship you may still be dealing with valuing issues of yourself.

Yes, your baby comes first, but it is the same as an airplane flight – you need to fit your oxygen mask first!

Understand that the initial days with your newborn may be challenging as you navigate feeding, sleep patterns, and diaper changes. Embrace flexibility and practice patience, knowing that each day brings new opportunities to bond with your baby. Allow yourself the time to learn and adjust to your newborn’s cues and remember that being present and responsive will strengthen the foundation of your relationship.

Preparing for a relationship with your newborn is an exciting and transformative process. By educating yourself, building a supportive network, preparing your living space, focusing on self-care, and embracing flexibility and patience, you are setting the stage for a loving and nurturing bond with your baby. Cherish each moment, trust your instincts, and be kind to yourself as you embark on this beautiful journey of motherhood.

Natasha is a passionate Rural Healthcare practitioner 25+ years of experience. She is an International Speaker, Author, and enthusiastic advocate for simple but informative health literature and education being dyslexic herself. She loves the challenge of changing narratives and working towards improving healthcare at any opportunity she gets.  She currently lives and works in Far North Queensland, Australia with her husband, two daughters, and new Brittany puppy ‘Harry’.

Pregnancy After Fertility