

by Bessie Hassan

Travelling with kids is one of the best parts of being a parent. Holidays are a great way to create memories as a family. But one of the toughest parts of travelling with younger children is keeping them safe without being overprotective. Although kids can often be accident-prone, it’s important to make sure you find that balance between safety and adventure.

Here are five top tips for maintaining that balance and having the best trip possible:

Tip #1: Watch out for wildlife

We’re coming into snake season and although the likelihood of being bitten is extremely low, it’s a good idea to be prepared in case you come across one. If you’re heading to a more rural area on your trip, consider packing a pair of jeans or long pants for each family member in case you do plan on heading into an area with long grass. Also, stomping sends vibrations through the ground and will scare snakes away. It’s also important to remember they are more afraid of you than you are of them!

Tip #2: Plan ahead

As we all know, true Australian summers can be sweltering (to say the least). This means that ‘slip, slop, slap’ is a must to prevent kids from getting sunburnt. Rehydration is also an important aspect of staying healthy and safe when you’re travelling in hot weather so carry water bottles with you to help to keep your kids’ fluids up and prevent nasty side effects like sunstroke.

On the flip-side, if it looks like the weather might be a little difficult, then bringing wet weather gear or planning your transport options ahead of time can save you getting caught out in dangerous or stormy conditions.

Tip #3: Prepare your kids

Letting your kids know about the area you’re heading to is probably the best preventative measure you can take. Children remember and learn from their parents’ actions and words so this is a very easy way to make sure they know what’s going on. If you’re heading to an area you aren’t familiar with, it’s a good idea to have a quick look online at the kind of terrain you might encounter, and let your kids know what they can expect when you get there. This will help them prepare for things you’ve warned them about or to stay away from.

Tip #4: Protect them

This is something that often gets overlooked, especially within domestic trips. But it’s so important to consider travel insurance for children on the off chance that an accident does happen. Even it’s only quite a small issue, it can help your peace of mind to know that you may be eligible for reimbursement, even in the case of burns, wounds, or broken bones. If you know you are covered if something does go wrong you are more likely to relax and enjoy the trip.

Tip #5: Prepare for flights

If you’re flying and your kids are quite young, it’s a good idea to pack essentials into your carry-on luggage. A lot of the time, things like food, drinks (milk), nappies, or any medication, are needed during the duration of a flight so it’s good to be prepared. Also, kids tend to be prone to colds or other nasty bugs and plane trips can affect their ears. If you think this may be the case, consider taking medicinal lollipops or something else for them to chew on the flight to help them pop their ears and avoid discomfort.

Travelling with children is a joy. You create lifelong memories and provide them with experiences that will stay with them forever. With some extra preparation, you can set yourself and your kids up for the trip of a lifetime. Enjoy!


Bessie Hassan

Bessie Hassan is Money Expert and travel lover at financial comparison website


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