

It is now commonplace to walk down the health aisle of your supermarket and be faced with a wall of ‘kids dietary supplements. From gummies to bars, powders and shakes, the choices are overwhelming for any parent. But does your child really need health supplements?

Nuzest’s Nutritionist, Lauren Parchi, explains her top 5 key reasons why supplements may need to be implemented into a child’s diet.

  1. It’s critical that children receive adequate nutrition to meet growth targets as they have an increased need for protein, calcium and Vitamin A.
  2. Children are not getting what they need from diet alone. The rise in the consumption of processed foods and poor soil quality has decreased the nutrient value of our food.
  3. Food allergies and intolerances are on the rise amongst children. These conditions can result in missing nutrients in the diet.
  4. ‘Picky eating’ behaviours are common and are a key factor in why children may not be getting what they need from their diet.
  5. Dietary supplements such as Nuzest’s Kids Good Stuff, can help to “fill the gaps” in a child’s diet and ensures they get the nutrients needed to fuel their growth and development.

Supporting kids’ growth and development

Childhood growth and development can be categorised into two key phases. Phase one consists of rapid growth from birth to 24 months and phase two includes steady growth from 24 months to the onset of puberty.[1] Within these two phases, it is critical that children receive adequate nutrition to meet growth targets, as deficiencies in vitamins and minerals can affect their development.[2]

Children have a particular need for protein, calcium and Vitamin A to support optimal development. Brain development relies on a high rate of protein synthesis, with the amino acids (building blocks of protein) arginine and leucine, required to synthesise crucial neurotransmitters. Some proteins also act as enzymes to support digestion and the building of bones. [3]

Calcium is required for the development and maintenance of the skeleton. The density of bone mass increases sevenfold from birth to puberty and a further threefold during adolescence, highlighting the need for calcium during these stages. A deficiency in calcium during childhood can lead to physical and mental developmental disorders.[4]

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that supports healthy vision and immunity. A deficiency of Vitamin A in children may lead to poor immunity, stunting and poor eyesight.[5]

Are kids getting what they need from diet alone?

The consumption of refined and processed foods are significant drivers behind poor nutrient intakes in children. In Australia alone, children aged 2-18 are consuming up to eight servings of discretionary foods per day which accounts for up to 41% of their total energy intake.[6] – Discretionary foods are foods and beverages that do not provide the necessary nutrients the body requires to function. They are high in energy (calories) and often much lower in essential nutrients that are necessary to support growth and development.

The nutrient density of our fruits and vegetables has also changed. Environmental factors such as soil depletion and modern agricultural practices contribute to the poor nutritional quality of our fruits and vegetables.

Allergies, intolerances and ‘picky eating’

There is an increased incidence of allergies and intolerances amongst children in Western countries.[7] This creates challenges for both the parents and the child as food groups are often eliminated from the diet, resulting in missing nutrients which may result in deficiencies. A child’s picky behaviour can lead to lower intakes of nutrients including Vitamin E, C, folate and fibre, ultimately leading to a weaker immune and digestive system.

Nuzest’s Kids Good Stuff is an all-in-one nutritional support product designed specifically with children’s needs in mind. It is a multi-nutrient formula that provides comprehensive nutrition to promote healthy bone growth, learning, concentration, eyesight, digestion, and immunity.

Formulated by a team of health experts to help fill nutritional gaps in children’s diets, Kids Good Stuff is a great addition to a balanced diet. Best used as a daily top-up it can help growing, active kids to be at their best. Nuzest always recommends consulting with a healthcare practitioner before deciding if your child needs a dietary supplement.

Nuzest is an Australian premium lifestyle brand offering high-quality, plant-based nutritional products, and is currently available in 20 countries globally. Nuzest (meaning new energy/vitality) was founded by Trevor Bolland in 2012, in response to his only daughter, Monique, being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, an incurable disease of the central nervous system. What started as a father and daughter looking for answers is now a global team, bringing together the best that nutritional science and natural medicine can provide.

Based on efficacy without compromise, the Nuzest range includes powdered multi-nutrient blends, Good Green Vitality & Kids Good Stuff; Clean Lean Protein – a pure golden pea protein isolate; plus Good Green Vitality and Clean Lean Protein Bars.

Instagram: @nuzest_aus

Facebook: @Nuzest Australia


[1] Physical Growth of Infants and Children (no date) Available at: (Accessed 29/7/2022)

[2] Balasundaram, P. and Avulakunta, I. D. (2021) “Human Growth and development,” in StatPearls. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing.

[3] Whitney, E. N., & Rolfes, S. R. (2019). Understanding Nutrition (15th ed.). CENGAGE Learning Custom Publishing.

[4] Raskh, S. (2020) View of the importance and role of calcium on the growth and development of children and its complications, Available at: (Accessed 29/7/2022)

[5] Vitamin A deficiency. (n.d.). Who.Int. Available from

[6] Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Poor diet. (2019). Available from (Accessed 29/7/2022)

[7] Tang, M. L. K., Mullins, R. J. (2017). Food allergy: is prevalence increasing?: Food allergy prevalence time trends. Intern Med J, 47(3), 256–61. DOI: 10.1111/imj.13362