As we say goodbye to warmer summer temperatures here in the southern hemisphere, it signals a step change. A time to recuperate and rest after a busy summer. Winter is a time to slow down, go inward and spend some time nourishing ourselves in more of a cocooning cycle. This doesn’t mean we can’t take action in Winter, but it does mean it’s time to switch up our routine.
When we go, go, go without consideration for our natural rhythms and cycles, it can be incredibly draining on all our systems – physical, mental, emotional and energetic. It is an unbalanced approach and can throw us out of alignment and harmony within. We may not notice it right away, but if we continue at length something has to give! This is where burnout or stress-related illnesses are born.
After much trial and error during my life, from the go-getter endless working and partying of my twenties and thirties, to the more refined and informed period in my forties, I now realise the extensive repercussions I had from not respecting my own natural cycles. These included compromised immune system, recurring illness, hormonal imbalance, depression and weakness in my lower back. Not to mention feeling lost and disconnected, to myself and others.
I’ve found I work optimally when I respect my own cycles, in alignment with the seasonal and planetary cycles. In fact, I am far more productive, effective and efficient when I do. When you start to really pay attention to how you are feeling moment to moment, and have the courage to do what your inner knowing, body and energy systems are telling you to do (instead of what you ‘should’ do), you will notice a huge difference in how you function. Instead of dragging your heels on something, take time out and come back to it and notice how easily you complete the task. Sometimes all we need to do listen to ourselves. For what we really need, respect it no matter what, and follow through on it. This is how we build a deeper relationship with ourselves. By taking these small steps to understand our innate ebbs and flow.